Could 1914 Germany invade and annex the modern country of Latvia with all of its modern technology...

Could 1914 Germany invade and annex the modern country of Latvia with all of its modern technology? Assume no allies on either side.

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german soldiers would be mowed down by artillery and machine gun fire

with big losses, probably

Considering that Latvia only has 3 tanks, probably yes. They also have only 2 helicopters and some patrol and mine ships.

May I ask how you came to this question?

Germany would win by virtue of simply having the geography and numbers on its side.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-20 his - Could 1914 Germany invade and annex the modern cou - History Humanities (1277x280, 31K)

Latvia's name is funnier than Lithuania, and all of Imperial Germany's borders on the modern world border countries that could definitely put up a real fight (except maybe Belgium).

both artillery and machine guns havn't changed all that much. tricky part of modern equipment is airforce and tanks. also information technology.

I think so. Good post btw

Krigsmarine would wreck em. Probably the first battle would be a Latvian victory due to Germans not knowing their weapons, but the sheer numbers would destroy em.

Germans had both too.
Latvia is too little and weak. There are any doubts for german victory.

When I was in Riga around year 2000 me and my family had to walk over big fucking freeway to get from the boat to the city . Isn't that weird? Seems dangerous. Don't you guys have crosswalks?

how exactly would germans take out the 3 tanks?

>Isn't that weird?
Oh, absolutely. Riga makes no sense.

>having the geography
Germany would have to do a naval invasion mind you, that'd probably be the tricky part.

if push comes to shove you could just send the landwehr till they run out of ammo

even world war 1 artillery is quite explodey and surely does damage to modern tanks

then the tanks will just drive away and resupply
they are much faster than german troops and literally invulnerable to their weapons

Range, rate of fire, and accuracy is like ufo technology compared to ww1 Germany. The shoot and scoot tactics of M109s would make it impossible for Germans to get them.

Also, Latvians would just come in night with night vision and thermals and slaughter the Germans to their camps.

yeah they had shells that could easily throw a tank into the air

The Germans can do literally nothing to the Latvian Air Force. The Latvians can just put bombs on passenger planes and drop them over the enemy army.

How did they take out british tanks during ww1?

point is: how many shells do the latvian army even have? when you only have 3 tanks you don't store much ammo either.

the Latvian air force consists of 3 old Soviet transport helicopters
probably not even armed
their airfields would be overrun within days
also Mil-Mi 17s can probably be shot down by WW1 era biplanes

with a fucking rifle

you could easily shoot planes with that too

Attached: mauser_t-gew_1.jpg (650x178, 9K)

>implying we would just let the Kriegsmarine take the Latvia

Most tanks in WW1 were taken out with artillery guns in direct fire. These rifles were made so infantry could do anything at all against tanks.

sure it's all better but it's just not enough in numbers. also you can just shoot up flares and see the latvian commandos

Except they would have taken aerodromes by infantry forces.

You could easily add guns to the helicopters, or even just manually drop bombs out of them. I don't know if biplanes could threaten them, though. Even if they can, a modern civilian plane can probably just fly too high for a biplane to reach and drop bombs out of it.

They wouldn't actually need to take out tanks to defeat Latvia, the utter scale of the German army would be enough since the tanks couldn't deal with them.

Lets, as a hypothetical, assume we have an army of 100.000 people against 1 modern tank and let's assume [spoiler](I'm pulling numbers out of my ass here)[/spoiler] that that one tank can deal with 1.000 soldiers in one day. That means in that day, there are 99.000 soldiers doing other stuff like taking over land and cutting of fuel and ammo supplies for the tank.

The point is that even if there's a giant technology gap, Germany wins simply because of how massive it is comparatively.

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they didn't
that's how they lost the west front

dunno but i am sure that lativa has more bullets than germany has military men


bullets sure, but not for tanks

it was ironic question. latvians need tank division at least to stop german army of ww1 times.

how exactly would an army on foot and with no modern communication outmaneuver the tanks and cut their supply lines?

tanks would destroy important military targets.
meanwhile, latvian soldiers would arrive in civilian cars, shoot down german soldiers and then drive away before they are in range

latvian coast ist roughly 500 km long, that's 166 km for each tank. how exactly would one tank defend such an area?

They can strike all German artillery without getting hit. German artillery will be out of range and the Latvians will spot the German artillery from drones or helicopters and pound them all through the night.

IFVs will come out from pill boxes everytime flares go out or just straight out drive to division commands and take out the whole command. This will happen during night and Germans won't see shit.

Latvians just need to make one hole with attack bridges and they'll advance in 15 minutes to a division command. Then maybe pincer back to both sides of the hole while infantry keep the hole open. This will happen so fast the Germans can't do nothing.

try driving a civilian car in a landscape shattered by artillery

They have 130 IFVs and 50 SPGs. Not to mention how did the Germans plan to shore?

tanks are not for defense
they are for breaking through german lines and taking out critical military targets (like artillery or military command)

yeah but then the rest of the army can just move on without meeting a tank once

how is the army gonna advance without leadership or artillery supply?

we're just gonna zerg rush them. also why wouldn't we have leadership? how would the latvians know where our generals are and take them out?

air superiority, superior mobility and electronic communication
Leadership in the WW1 was dressed to be noticed and would make easy target for Latvian bombs

>drones or helicopters
they can be shot down
trenches mines and obstacles

>They have 130 IFVs and 50 SPGs.
yeah and that's not enough against an army of 4 million men

>air superiority
two helicopters vs 300 planes
>superior mobility
who covers more kilometers, 4 million men on feet or 20 000 men in vehicles? answer is: you would have to have vehicles driving 800 kmh to match the german armies speed

>Leadership in the WW1 was dressed to be noticed and would make easy target for Latvian bombs
they just dress differently?

Just do helicopter rounds during nights and get the pattern. Germans had mutinies in WW1. You're not going to zerg rush them against Latvian IFVs especially when Latvians are taking out Germans from kilometers away with NV.

Latvians don't have to be in trenches. They'll wait a bit further. They can just wait when you're on the move and just fuck your shit up with Humvees and IFVs. Imagine trying to zerg rush for 2 kilometers with your gear and then when you're exhausted Latvians start to mow you from 2 kilometers away while being deadly accurate and you can't answer to the fire. After they've moved half of you battalion they disappear with their vehicles.

Not they can't. Too high and Germans won't have radars or shit and can't see in the dark.

How are they going to build those trenches and then advance from them?

It's everything since WW1 Germany won't have anything to fight them.

Latvians have radars and missiles. Not even red baron will take off to meet his certain dead from a missile he'll never even see coming.

They'll be bombed all the way and have nothing to answer to the fire.

There was a thread on some time ago about the Roman Empire fighting modern day Latvia. Probably inspiration from that.

I think mobility kills against the chains are very possible.
WW2 Tanks probably can harm modern tanks if they hit them in the back at short enough range.

>WW2 Tanks probably can harm modern tanks if they hit them in the back at short enough range.
we are talking about WW1 Germany vs modern day Latvia

latvia has barely any aircraft, none of which are designed for air attack

it has no real tanks, it has a couple atgms for the entire country

that is more interesting, latvia could almost match rome, they have ~1.6 million people, the city of rome itself had that much at the time

Well, yeah but we're talking about the Empire. Tens of millions of people and hundreds of thousands of professional soldiers.

yes, but given the distance rome would be hardpressed to find a local advantage over the latvians without seriously weakening its legions at home and abroad, it would be a very dangerous campaign to mount and maintain the glue of the empire, without even counting that the simplest of tactical resources available to even the latvians would be like space magic to the roman

Wouldn't Rome easily lose?

I think the latvians could manage that. minus most of that equipment

That was the consensus I believe, but there were some arguments that without the manpower and resources/trade to maintain their equipment the Latvians would eventually lose in a total war.

I'm note sure about Latvia but the Imperial German Army would easily destroy the Bundeswehr in 2 days using just bayonets

without a doubt, those men are killers after all, you're just boys

Latvia would win. Lithuania and Latvia would pound that Teutonic butt

yeah, if you're talking about "eventually". I mean "eventually" the Romans would just catch up with the technology.

130 ifvs is still not enough to cover all the lands

on day 1 german command would change tactics, do you really think they'd send like groups of hundreds of men walking in line up to be border ?
split up everybody in extremely small teams, of like 5 people
all of them on bikes, on every single kilometer of the border, rushing through
maybe only 30% makes it, but they'd get to the inside of the country, and take out everyone and everything

>WWI era generals
>Not being idiots
Pick one.

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