How does your country treat NEETs?

How does your country treat NEETs?

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They don't see.

>Turkey 24.9%
and I thought zoomers here are lazy

They treat us good. They will not terminate your gibs no matter if you refuse work or some bullshit course. All they do is cut your gibs by 20%

>29 is youth

How is NEET life in Australia?
I wanna enjoy surfing in gold coast as NEET

Attached: NEETs.jpg (768x987, 112K)

I am very jealous of you.

They might cut them by 40% but just for 1-2 months. They will pay your rent nevertheless so it's impossible to get homeless

It's easy statistic to fake. Any unemployed attending a "labor political action" is statistically not anymore counted.

I still envy you.

How about this version?

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If you live in the gold coast as a neet yeah man, you can fucking crush those waves, makes me wish I lived closer and I'm only half an hour away.


Most young women don't work in turkey because they want their husbands to bring in the money, and a lot of young people work at barbers, kebab shops and other general shops but they're not registered in state

You are left to die
Just like every non developed country

Damn, I wish I was Finn

In Japan, if you want a job, you get a job!

Attached: DNEv-BQVAAI91ze.jpg (674x520, 40K)

I really wanna retire my job early as possible.
My dream is to live in the gold coast or Okinawa.

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are you japanese or davido-kun?

wouldn't have expected that women make up such a big percent of neets

god I wish Abe was our prime minister

I'm Japanese

depends on your situation
if you qualify for welfare then you're golden, if you don't then life is miserable

ok you sound based, come and leech our welfare system.

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Not really that surprising, even here I've known families where girls aren't really expected to work, they just take care of the house and cook and that's it until they land a husband.

Less than 5% unemployment is full employment. Before Abe era, we could get a full-time job if we did not cherrypick.

The government doesn't care about NEETs beyond making sure they can't get any form of benefits without providing regular proofs that they're actively searching for a job.

Also, have this.

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>Inactive NEETs
>Unemployed NEETs
What's the difference?

perfect spawning conditions for pic related. how does great britain plan to handle this ecologic crisis?

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>Unemployed NEETs
they are looking for jobs

Housewives = NEETs

stupid american monkey spic bastard, what you posted typically represent builders, plumbers.

>tfw our cunt doesn't even treat them differently

I am not hispanic, but I am brown

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>Unemployed NEETs
Looking for a job but can't/still hasn't found one
>Inactive NEETs
Lives in Pakistan and smugly frogposts each morning about wageslaves

I just realized I am not a NEET because I am in college. Pretty cool.

>I just realized I am not not in education because I am in education.
Einstein is among us.

very good for doing nothing

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How can the eurostat present numbers based on surveys that contradict actual proper national registration data, not to mention they absolutely make no sense for a country with chronic labor shortage?
I'm calling bullshit on this. Why is there a need for
when there's a national registry for the workforce, when you know everyone, who paid income taxes and social contribution for the healthcare system for each year?

no wonder turks flood this board at any moment

elmao, according to KSH theres no poverty or migration and unemployment is zero because "civic" workers are not unemployed

How the fuck are there so many NEETs? I thought this was an isolated thing, not something that plagues a large number of people. Is this including housewives and shit?

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>A 2017. évihez hasonlóan a 2018 I. negyedévi létszámbővülés is
a közfoglalkoztatottak létszámának erőteljes fogyása mellett ment végbe.
Több mint 40 ezerrel volt alacsonyabb azok száma, akik munkaerőpiaci
státusként a közfoglalkoztatást jelölték meg, és az előző év azonos
negyedévéhez képest 13,6%-kal1 kevesebben adtak meg munkahelyükként külföldön működő vállalkozást, azaz a hazai elsődleges munkaerőpiacon közel 125 ezerrel, 3,1%-kal dolgoztak többen az egy évvel korábbinál.
>geci szarbán
pontosan a kivándorlás miatt van itt munkaerőhiány, máshol, ahol jobban fizetnek meg felesleg
komolyan azt hiszed, itthon alacsonyabb a foglalkoztatottság, mint Németországban?

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Society is going to shit bro

I imagine they count mothers as "NEETs" because Noseberg isn't getting much money out of them.

I'm really sorry, I'll get my act going on pretty soon I promise.

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How do you manage to be a NEET and found a family...

turkey mexico s,korea is scum nation

speak in english braindead fidesznyik neet, különben beleszarok a zümmencs nít szádba


stats like this are utter bullshit when it comes to Japan, just like rape victims and criminality


By calling them lazy, giving them as little money as possible and hoping they'll just get jobs.

Too well.

I know a guy who sits on his ass all day and gets around 1400 euros a month for some depression diagnosis or whatever.

Although many unemployed. Mostly are just economical questions instead of social anxiety. We call them "nem-nem"


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imagine being told you're a sponge by a landlord of all people

Being a landlord is work through.

You're retarded.Japan has an incredibly low unemployment rate,the hikkikomori phenomenom is nothing compared to southern european neetness

If you're anything but a private employee you're a sponge

very gaijin post