Real Business General

Any real business owners here?

Hotels, Motels, Liquor Stores, Gas stations, Retirements homes, Apartment Building, Real Estate Developers

What was your purchase price?

What is your Gross and Net Profit?

How long have you owned the business?

How much could you sell it for?

Where are you located?

What do you thing is the long term will look like for your industry?

What are your future plans, goals, hopes and ambitions?

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The crypto market's bottomed out when Jow Forums is desperately posting about actual busineses.

There cannot be a stronger buy signal.

>What was your purchase price?
1 million

>What is your Gross and Net Profit?
Gross ~180-200k/year
Net 80-90k/year

>How long have you owned the business?
>1 Year

>How much could you sell it for?
Sold for 1.4 million

>Where are you located?
Alberta, Canada

>What do you thing is the long term will look like for your industry?

Industry is booming right now and will continue too as boomers retire. Cap rate on properties is low around 6-7%.

>What are your future plans, goals, hopes and ambitions?

Made about 400k from this flip in under a year. Plan to buy other business and try to flip them quick.

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hi bubs

i never thought i'd see this thread here, ever.
thank you

Read this derail post. This is what a coping NEET sounds like.


I add some more info for others.

The current hot Real Estate market is helping senior housing as boomers are easily able to sell their home and move into senior housing.

There are generally two types of senior housing: independent and supportive. Independent is just like owning apartment building except you have to provide 3 meals a day and some their 24/7 to call 911. Supportive is more intense and requires care aids to be present at the facility at all times.

The economic of >10 room building is tough as their aren't enough room to amortize the cost of labor. I.E one cook can just as easily cook for 10 as she can cook for 20.

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>What was your purchase price?
Not purchase price but startup cost was about $7000.
>What is your Gross and Net Profit?
Monthly Gross ranges around $100,000- $120,000. Net ranges around $43,000-$51,000.
>How long have you owned the business?
Been doing this business for about a year and a half.
>How much could you sell it for?
Have not done an actual appraisal yet for my business but from market research about 2mil.
>Where are you located?
>What do you thing is the long term will look like for your industry?
Industry seems to be growing. However, I am targeting a very specific niche within the industry.
>What are your future plans, goals, hopes and ambitions?
Future plan is to keep scaling my business until it grows into an 8 figure business. After I hit a good spot for my business I will create another brand and repeat the process. For me its no longer even about the money I just like growing my business and see where I can take it.

Coffee shop. $15,000 start-up.

This isn't a bragging thread. You need to actually detail what your industry is so others can learn.

Nice, franchise or independent?

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Anyone tried running a food truck? With retail property prices through the roof seems good idea perhaps

Sounds gd desu, what business?
Hows that going?

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What kind of business can you start for $7,000, net $50k per month, and sell for $2 million? Who buys a business for $2 million that can be started for $7,000?

Amazon PL / E-Commerce.

Amazing how breasts can grow that large naturally on a woman of normal weight

DNA truly is God's miracle!


Non-stop lines through the parking lot. Cold drinks in the summer are where it's at. Basically endless 30 year old boomers lining up for a cold Monster that's been marked up.

What isAmazon PM? Quit playing games and tell us

Couple of consideration with the food truck.
1. It's really location dependant. By that I mean local regulations, you can't just pull up wherever and start slanging borritios.

2. It's not really scaleable, It's more of an owner opporator business like taxi driver. Ideally you want a business that can make you money while you sleep and work elsewhere.

Intresting can you share more info. What franchise, is it brick and mortor retail or food van, lease or owner building ect. I was intrested in opening a coffee location in Vancouver but never went though with it.

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It's Private Labeling products and selling them on Amazon platform. You find a niche you want to target. Find a product that can target pain points of the audience within your niche. Build a brand selling said products. Sell products on Amazon platform using their fulfillment service and your own website. It's an amazing business model and highly lucrative. Takes a lot of time setting up initially but once you are up and running you can automate everything so you work basically 2-4 hours a week.

Didn't turn $7,000 into $50k per month instantly. Took time to get there. I just didn't take any profits and kept investing back into my business to help it grow quicker. Only recently I started paying myself a small salary.

I'd betray my race for that

With that attitude you probably don't have a chance

sauce, plzzzza!

Gross. There's absolutely nothing special about her.

source pls
tell me what to search on google

Ya her nipple was totally the wrong shade of brown


Artificial intelligence
That is the coolest data base I have seen.
Is it all bots replying to you are there humans to.
I’m human
Unlike you . You are AI , adaptation by quarry ?

I wonder whether a retail truck might be more profitable.

my future wife looks like her


I live in Edmonton. Get me in on this!

You need permits in the good locations.
Bigger cities.
Most have the roach coach that go to business but then you need to buy food from we’re the truck is stored.
There wear tv shows about it in 2010 and people posted here

lol welcome to last decade

Tile user. I lay tiles in kitchen and baths. I guess I'm more self employed. I have no employees. My SUV is wrapped with my business info and I have a website.

What was your purchase price?
> I started the company with $3k
What is your Gross and Net Profit?
> Gross prob 85k a year, net probably 70k
How long have you owned the business?
>4 years
How much could you sell it for?
>$50k maybe
Where are you located?
>a major us city
What do you thing is the long term will look like for your industry?
>more of the same. a machine can't do this, so this job aint going anywhere.
What are your future plans, goals, hopes and ambitions?
>do something else. The money is good but the work is hard on the body, and honestly I'm just bored with this shit. I have tiled every type of tile in every type of home you can possibly imagine. Nothing is new, I could do this shit in my sleep. And thus it's very boring.

Don’t matter same business in a cycle


Can I ask you a question ?

Sure. Is it gay sex? If so, the answer is yes, I'd love to catch AIDS.

Use to run a online supps/nootropics store offering web coaching for health and fitness but ultimately fazed the latter out

acts as a news aggregate site for health/fitness/training methodology/endocrinology/nootropics/cognitive enhancement and overall improving human performance

created it from scratch

profits varied greatly month to month depending on pull marketing and social media adverts, those were the primary expenses as most of the products were dropped shipped, i had planned to develop my own brand but working a full time job atm and about to go on holiday, aiming to have the store back up Q3

Would consider offer $50k and upwards

located in syd

will focus more on development and listing of nootropics and biohacking products (hormonal, peptide, genetic)

i want to bootstrap the business as much as possible so it become self sufficient and as self managed as possible in order to free up my time

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By "Real" do you mean physical businesses? I have a side gig building multi-platform chat bots and pay my rent with it.

I'm looking to get into some sort of passive income though, was thinking of real estate. Real estate in my college town was cheap as shit, and rents near campus were high. Haven't done any math on it to see if it's profitable yet.

It was on tile
But ill ask someone else
Thank you

>Nothing is new, I could do this shit in my sleep. And thus it's very boring.
this is true of almost everything in life after some time.

There saying the market is going down
You build chat bots ?


Maybe. But this shit in particular is very mundane.

I'd like to move on to real handyman stuff and learn carpentry and what not. But it would take time and sacrifice to learn.

I don't want to give up $2k a week to figure something else out. But I really should for my sanity.

How hard is it on your body?

Yeah, I don't know. I think i want to bolster up my emergency fund before I get too into any sort of big deal stuff like real estate.

I build chatbots using Microsoft Bot framework and LUIS. I've set up things like bots that can help with IT support, online shopping stuff, etc. It's nothing wildly complex though.

I feel it. I'm not really good at doing stuff with my hands, but can you practice carpentry at home or on weekends, or are you too beat after the day?

Maybe you could take some time off and do a class of some kind. With $2k a week you can definitely afford some time off.

>implying business owners have time to kill on /jiz/

Nuce larps though


You know what civilian space exploration is needing ?
A military like nave sailors in a sub or a squadron of pilots.
Bio dome 2 was such a failure because there was no Artificial intelligence to inter act.
As military is not civilian
Two different jobs.

Say with what you enjoy and money will follow.

time to get your abilify refilled bud

business tip #91774782
anyone who puts periods after single-word statements like this is a fucking retarded douchebag and a liar

For me back and neck or a constant issue. You are bending over and using muscles in the back and neck to steady the objects you are working on. This tension just destroys your spine. 10 or 15 hours a week is nothing, but when you do it as a career, 30 or 40 hours a week it really fucks up your back. Pain, stress, bones feeling out of place, you start getting popping and clicking as you get out of bed in the morning.

I see a chiropractor once a week, I get a massage once a week, do hot yoga 2x a month, I take a bath like every day. And I work out, muscular exercises of the chest, arms, and back.

All that just to stay healthy.

Truly you can't do any manual labor type job more than 25 hours per week without doing serious permanent damage to your body. I will only work 30 hours per week tops. Cause I don't want to be crippled at 40.

>My SUV is wrapped with my business info

at $10k average monthly profit that mostly came from drop shipped products i was satisfied, it's not asteroid mining but it was enough for me and it was satisfying working on a personal project

I'm a software developer and I fucking hate it. I just want to do something boring, the same old shit for 50 years, and then retire. I'm in the Midwest. How can I get into tiling kitchens?

Yeah maybe. I'm usually tired and just want to zone out when I'm not working.

I'm not that motivated. Hence why I tile I guess...

I was 25 and desperate for a job a few years ago. Got offered a job with this tile guy, making 14/hr. I saw he was making a ton of money and quit less than 1 year in.

Just started my own. Not that complicated.

Lol, I paid 250 bucks to get the wrap on my car. It has easily gotten me $5k in business.

I love seeing wrapped vehicles with small business shit plastered all over them. Nice work

give me advice please grass is greener in tile land

Fuck man, just find a contractor, or tile person, or remodeler.

Work for them for 3 to 6 months and you'll know exactly what to do.

or you can watch YouTube videos.

But you need to practice, while someone who knows what they are doing is watching you.

Shit is dirt simple. After a year nothing is new. It's just rinse repeat.

As I said, you get going and you can make 2k a week.

in my experience if you wanna do some boring shit for 50 years, become a developer for the government, or a defense contractor, or a huge fortune 500 company

I never want to touch a computer. I hate computers. Ted Kaczynski was right all along

I want to tile for 50 years and go to the beach on my free time and retire. THat's it.

Well, best thing is just to work with a company that does something you are interested in. Like flooring or tile.

They'll only pay you a little money, but you are just there to learn. See how they get their jobs and where they buy their materials.

Then you have a website made, some business cards.

Also Home Advisor. You just turn that shit on and they literally send you customers. It's push start business.

Funny you say that, sometimes I wish I did Web Design and I could just stay home and hit computer keys.

I come home very tired and covered in filth.

more power to ya

I'm trying to figure out a product to sell with the following criteria:

>valued at $200 or more
>can't be shipped via a postal service, but can be delivered
>can be sold on a website/app to a local market
>components don't require specialized equipment, like cooling or heating appliances

The best idea I've had so far is making huge dish gardens, like three times the size of pic related, but I'm uncertain if I can sell 15 of these per week to make a salary of ~$80k

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maybe we're both wrong
or maybe we're both right
all I know is I hate computers and I'd love to be covered in filth
at least you can leave work at work
how often do you get home and someone sends you a private message about tiles? I'd wager never
imagine being at work 24-7
it's easy on your body but hard on your mind
i'm ok with being dirty
but being at the beck and call of my clients and having to slave away with golden handcuffs and lose my sanity bit by bit
it is hell on earth

It's nice for a while, but dealing with clients is such a pain and wears heavy on the soul after a few years.

>dealing with clients

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When you're self employed you pretty much take calls any time of day if a potential customer calls because if you don't, they will try the next guy in the phonebook or on google.

Find a couple of mexican't and train them, most of them will work faithfully for years on basic salary. especially if they have a wife and 3+ kids. You have to provide them with transport to the job, all the tools,be available on the phone if they get stuck, have to listen to the bullshit about their families. As long as you don't have to rely on them.

I started a software company. I provide data and analytics software to small business owners. I started with a $700 desktop, coded the platform myself (initially), and paid about $500 for some SEO work. I have 3 employees now (after 3 years) I net about $250,000 a month in profit after expenses. My gross is about $350,000 a month. I’m 24.

I've tried. They are not perfectionistic enough for how I market the service, as high end tile work.