I'm a NEET with no source of income. This was my one fucking gift from god and I pissed it all away HODLing. FUCK ME
I've been avoiding thinking about the fact that I lost 350k in 6 months
You are acting surprised? Seriously? My girlfriend and I have told you this! Her son who is an actual stock broker wjth a company spoke to you about this crypto crap a long time ago. They have people post on blogs and hype up to inflate price then they get out. A lot of it is scams and you believe shit you read on reddit and Jow Forums! You think intelligent wall street people are going to post their insider information on a site where the category above it is masturbation beasitiloty hentai tranny shit? Come to some common sense you fool! Or reddit! You know everyone and their mother uses that shit. It's pathetic. You think the richest investors of our time will be the trolls on 4 Chan hacking off to tranny fury porn? Or the same reddit users who post how to trim a mustache? Buy the hyped up stock by anonymous poster claiming to be in the loop? Fuck man. I jut hope you get your money back and get some common sense
You believe shit on a site of trolls
It's sad
>no source of income
>somehow has 350k to piss away in crypto
I envy those that were lucky to get in early and the fact that people piss their money away on some autistic holding meme with the obvious bubble and fact that we haven't even hit mean yet is depressing
Shut the fuck up Darius, you filthy cunt.
you are not alone
don't sell now, friend
it's the bottom
because he is a NEET
How much do you have left?
you have to understand that NEETs operate on a completely different paradigm
I have 200k but I refuse to spend $1 on a steam game if I can pirate it for free
normies are the inverse of this, they have no money, finance everything, and buy stupid fucking shit and rationalize it by saying "lol it's only $1 are you poor user? i make $16 an hour so it's ok"
normie scum
He obviously invested early when beans were a meme and nobody took it seriously then got lucky when the ponzi activated
>kek ur poor becuz u don't save 2 cents by pirating
The whole idea that you can become rich by being frugal is autistic, sure some normies are dumb and buy stupid shit like cars they can't afford and piss money away but the whole "comfy NEET" life is only possible if you get a lucky investment, just saving won't make you rich
>the luck meme
you get rich by being smart and working hard for long enough at a winning idea or project, but being frugal or at least having a background in frugality is the guaranteed way to make it for 99% of people. Even if you can't 'make it' and make millions on a winning idea at the very least you can become financially independent by not literally burning money on stupid fucking shit
basically you are a retard, I can tell because you were triggered by merely reading something that resonated with you
stop wasting money on stupid shit you stupid fuck
low IQ nigger
Join the club.
If you're under 30 then you're fine. Just hodl. It'll go back up. If your'e older than 30, well, wage cuck a little and try to accumulate at these levels.
I'm frugal too, big spenders are autistic but to say that you can make it just by being frugal is plain wrong.
Maybe you can live semi comfortably but you'll still have to have a job and won't be able to live the comfy NEET life everybody on Jow Forums brags about, in order to do that you need a successful investment which takes a certain amount of luck (yes some skill, but also a lot of luck, for example people that were on the bean train extremely early could be considered lucky because there was little predicting their success at that point)
i stopped reading at "plain wrong"
all i said was that normies waste money on shit that they can get for free
stop being a fucking faggot
>implies rich NEETs get success because they're frugal and not because of investment luck
>doesn't think he's making a statement by going with the "saving makes you rich" meme
What am I when I'm buying LINK at 7000 satoshis?
>low iq
you can unironically become a millionare in
he doesn't care and will claim that millionaire is meaningless