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Mostly the MPs for trying to stop brexit

and i say to you, my brother europeans-

charlie is having a identity crisis

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wow what could it possibly be?
maybe the fact they are completely betraying the public??

had the UKIP membership, didnt renew it and now im unaffilated but I do vote tory during elections

>our constituents are calling us nasty names

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voters don't understand and don't care about things like trade deals
that's the entire reason why the leave campaign stayed completely away from those sorts of technicalities

So sick of toil. I hate the 9-5. I want a job I enjoy, where I don't have to wear a uniform, where my hours are flexible, where I have more of time to myself and not being cucked by weekends only

Who cares at this point

>current hostile environment
>verbal abuse of MPs
Why do they act like this is a new thing?

>look out window

Hostile environment indeed

oi bruvs
oi thoink dat scally quaggly Nigel Farage shudda led the Brexit tolks


would rather live in a dictatorship than a false democracy
give liz the ropes I say

I want off this ride

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go away

siciloid tried to impersonate emmett but he didnt realise his name was set to Sicily for like 4 posts lol

He's a fucking fat idiot, just like his dad

No I didn't

nice cherry picking

malaponte is wound up like a clockwork toy

when you actually look at what "democracy" is ideally vs. in practice you take the largest black pill of your life.

screeching at this
they've not even tried to hide the bias

I hope the Iraqis can truly break free of the medieval religious zealotry of typical muslim countries

Do thots have to pay tax on their patreon money?

you can try and avoid it but jesus was ashkenazi

Brexit means British Exit

if they earn over the income tax threshold, then yes

by sending all their inbred low IQ zealots to Europe and Canada.

you paki bastard

Getting a fetish for pregnant girls, lads. Imagine - if you fuck one, you'll be cucking someone else

Impressive stuff, Hans. Can you tell me what 2+2 is?

dont take that much notice, most 1st gen immigrants feel a need to play up their original cultures so they dont feel like traitors or whatever, this is what the rorkes cant see. When the generations become 2nd, 3rd etc they begin to lose their bullshit faiths and assimilate. Most muslims I was in school with told me they're arent religious but just say so to not offend their parents. Thye wont pass the religion onto their children

sneezing, lads! sneezing!

toilberg has gone home, not doing a thing till 5

you best be dabbing

you know those crowd sourcing websites where people make joke fund-raisers like "give me money to dress up as theresa may and walk around sheffield eating pickled eggs"? and thousands of people donate a couple of quid for joke? does the person who starts that get to the keep the money?

350 million a week

fucking hate brown people, u lads know what I mean? Cannot stand looking at people who are basically the same as me but are a different skin colour.


>who are basically the same as me
ummmmmmmmmmmm, no



international capitalism is truly wonderful

very monotonous toil today

but had a nice lunch and watched an interesting doc on Barings Bank's collapse

How about £380m per week?

virgin freak

>basically the same as me but are a different skin colour
you've been watching too much state-funded telly

wow, im very interested in clicking embed on this video and then clicking play

lecture toil in 40 minutes

I had a UKIP membership for two years, after the Scottish referendum I also didn't renew. I joined the Conservatives as I believed it would be done that we leave the EU - Nigel had secured the referendum - and I wanted to make sure the SNP stay BTFO'ed.
UKIP had tried to make a branch in my area, but it collapsed due to infighting. The Conservatives do nothing in my area. This is a SNP stronghold, previously a Labour stronghold. We once had a literal Communist mayor.
After a year of being in the Conservatives with nothing happening, I joined the National Front. This is my third year in it.

How about fuck off you boring cunt

The shame

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alri 25yr old boomer

>watching Rocky Horror this weekend
>watching Ozzy next weekend

On a side note
Still got 2 tickets for Ozzy going spare

Any offers?

Punched a guy full force this weekend and fucked up my wrist

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are you a virgin by chance?

Being labelled a virgin is the worst part

Now now, fella. No need to be angry and rude for making a fool of yourself.

Paki bloke in a dress

Weak as fuck

>Europe BEGGING to be liberated by America again


Won't be a virgin for much longer

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how did you get into a fight on iceland?

fuck off

why do you have spare tickets?

amer coleslaw paki bloke stalker phisher voyeur fetishist

Called me weak

i live in Thanet,kent so the idea of UKIP MPs was very real, especially since the constituency south of me had Nigel Farage standing there (where i went to school at the time). So I kept the membership up until we left the EU, next year I didnt bother to renew it because why would I

2nd gen are still cancer

Only starts getting better at 3rd and even then it so easy to be dragged back down by other 1st and 2nd gens if you live in a ghetto

unlike you

refrain from asking him any serious questions please

Bought 2 sets

Better tickets (closer to the stage) became available closer to the concert

It's sold really badly

Why is being a virgin such a bad thing? Why is it being weaponised and used against people?

Bloody government

huge fan of the argie in the sala thread arguing the benefits of using psychics to find plane wreckages with absolute sincerity

He literally declared his virginity as the motivation for the attempted attack

He's bringing himself down, no one mocked him for being a virgin before

link haha (not leaving /brit/ to go looking)

Leftypol barricaded in their bedroom at mummy’s house, rocking back and forth and hyperventilating over the idea of europeans having the right to be the ethnic majority in their own homeland.


Thoughts on new builds?

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Should I start playing "Fallout 4"?

It's quirky guys favourite game

have been on /brit/ for hours and hours today
need to have a word with myself


>no dinning room

When are you going to post a picture of your new trim

I wasn't specifically referring to that post, you bucktoothed paki troglodyte.

go back to r9k you freak

Remember this film. Absolutely miserable.

Yes actually this is a good point everyone. Moni is what browns and blacks will be like in the next 20-30yrs or so. Apart from the sexual offences (which tbf have been done in a non-aggressive way only common to white sexual offenders) he does things only currently associated with white people aka crossdressing, posting on Jow Forums etc. Although an extreme case he is an example of 3rd/4th generations

I'm of the opinon that we should all be in parties, if not to campaign, then at least to contribute financially where we can and to vote for our NEC's to better put forth our ideals.
When I had a better job, I used to be able to do things like donate my branch £100 a month. I also gave a few hundred to Helmer's campaign.
We did manage to get Mr. Coburn elected. I am pretty poor now, so sadly I cannot give the NF the sort of money I used to give UKIP.
Do you tihnk you will ever join another party, or even re-join UKIP, lad?

it's dogshit
also post your hair

/brit/: but everyone talks in capital letters

Shit. I grew up in one and it was fucking awful.

Anyone attending the Manchester meetup will be able to see the premiere of my new cut

The rest will just have to do with creepshots taken by the paki freak who will be attending