Paint bucket the planet

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Attached: EVROPA.png (1202x606, 70K)

'ere you go

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based desu


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كرينج و مكبسل ازرق

What did croatia do?


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Help start the yugoslav wars, the ustaša slaughtered serbs during ww2, exist

Help us get independence and you won't have to worry about us anymore :^)

nei nei nei

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I'd rather put you in the ground than see any state weaken the country

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based nippon

lmao based

Try it then fuck boy, the rest of the country doesn't want us, the rest of the country doesn't like us, the only reason we're still in the union is because the rest of the nation wants our oil and agriculture
I would rather die in a shithole independent California then a strong shackled California

we've done it before and we can do it again

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Done what before? Invade California? because you did when California was an independent nation

no, the only reason you're still in the union is because states are not allowed to unilaterally secede you fucking un-american pile of shit

>this whole post
you have to go back Carlos

I'm not an american, I'm a californian. And watch us
I'm white

Why do you hate Bangladesh?

well you couldn't be, because you seem to hate america

Based turk

I dont hate america, but america hates us, and when you're on the receiving end of constant hate and people saying how worthless you are you tend to want to go about shit your own way

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It's a shithole, it doesn't deserve to live. Too densely populated, too much crime, too much poverty. 30 percent of women are married before hitting age 15. Not saying there aren't any other shitholes in the world, but we need to make an example for the rest of the world to see and nuke the place.

>moral repugnant
>socially inept
>fiscally a mess
>gross cities full of shit
>counteract US policy to safeguard border security because of muh democrat demographic fee fees
>drive up the cost of housing with runaway foreign investment contributing to poverty
>local sanitation officials earning hundreds of thousands a year from the government feed trough while the city streets are covered in shit


people legitimately hold your state in low regard, and you can threaten civil war all you like, but yours is still validly described as a shit state

just find it strange that a man in Germany would have such strong feelings about an poor, irrelevant South Asian country

It's just what I imagine hell on earth to be like, I don't exactly know how I even got to that idea. Maybe just a coincidence, something I've read or something.

its the german way to take care of things. if you execute one either the others better themself or you will execute them all. thats the way it goes. thats the way it has always been.

how do you feel about your neighbors btw?

long live Mediterranean race

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not particularly fond of them either but nowhere near that extent. I'm an easygoing guy

I only say this because I care

>>moral repugnant
>>socially inept
>>gross cities full of shit
>implying all californians are like this
Big cities were a mistake

>>fiscally a mess
We give $13 billion more to the government than we take in

>>counteract US policy to safeguard border security because of muh democrat demographic fee fees
>implying all californians are like this

>>drive up the cost of housing with runaway foreign investment contributing to poverty
Just don't live in the big cities the whole state isn't san fransico

>>local sanitation officials earning hundreds of thousands a year from the government feed trough while the city streets are covered in shit
I'll agree we have some incompetent leaders

Its because the rest of the nation blames this on ALL CALIFORNIANS
We get judged by the rest of the nations on the action of a few individuals and big city retards and get ridiculed for it, we can't move to other states because we get automatically grouped up with these people, I can't say I'm californian online without someone saying how shit my state it, I can't go anywhere without someone somewhere saying how awful we are.

Imagine if every where you go you had some tell you how shit your wife is because your neighbor is a lardass, you go to visit family and all they talk about if how awful you wife is, you say "thats not my wife it's my neighbor" but they don't listen they say "well you live right next door so your wife is also a fatass and you should leave her because it makes you look bad as well". And then people stop visiting you because you wont leave your wife, people wont hire you because of your wife, people wont look you in the eye because youre still married to her.

What do you do? Leave your wife? the love of your life and she means everything to you? Or do you tell the others to fuck off

>we give more 13b more than we get

and yet you have bankrupting school districts, insolvent localities, and huge debts.

anyone feels bad about africa seemingly being universally hated?
at least not ITT, but most of the map posted reeks of ironic memes.
everytime anons gave an serious answer it seems like the opinion for africa is always unfavorable

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>huge debts.
The whole nation has a huge debt

I thought you weren't fiscally a mess? :^)

my solution to you is the formation of another state, west virginia separated from virginia for economic and social distinctions

the people from africa I've spoken with had little nice to say about it

Didn't say we weren't, all I said is we give the united states 13 billion more than we take in every year :^)
Also, we're really not in any sort of economic issues

The supreme court shot down our three California bill, we tried

sure, it's not as if the LA school district will be out of money in a few years

Nobody said it was going to be smooth sailing

my opinion is the best of opinions
because it's mine :)

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terrible powerhungry dictatorships, colonialist exploitation by former colonial empires (France)

it only worsened when "King of Africa" Gaddafi was toppled

I wish they had more leaders like pic rel, even if he was a commie

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