
tights ting edition

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just heard someone say I'm bringing sexy back

oh Poley......

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Dannys friends dad did it

*forces /brit/ into wiping my ass*

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True Detective season 3 is alright but have to wait for episodes now


reckon we could do with a few more posters tripfagging as generic descriptors, like "call centre user" or "book reader user", desu

Damn it feels good to be a nigga

this is fake

just gamin'

business idea: charge him a weekly fee to reply to his posts

nothing will ever top season 2

What kind?

done another "spend your entire day off on /brit/" lads aha cant wait to see what i do tomorrow

businss idea: SHE is a WOMAN you fucking scumbag

The STATE of him. Course (You)s are the lifeblood of tripfags so it makes sense.

alri lads

He's always bragging that he's got like £10k in savings so he can afford it.

just 'chonnin'

on a scale of 1-10 where 1 is S2 dogshit and 10 is pure unfiltered kino S1, where does it rank?

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What's your most esoteric opinion lads?

that tier costs more


>You want life to stop suffocating you? Don't hold your breath, Ray. Me? I don't even have lungs. I got gills. And that's why this shit smells real fishy to me. Caspere knew this.

haha like always eh?

just wanking

call of black people: nigger warfare

might have a wank


Season 2 was pleb filter. It's more like season 1 than 2 though.

homeopathy works, modern architecture should be banned, and the queen should abdicate

Season 1


my best friend is from the UK (living in Slovenia)


Transgender epidemic in the UK: One child changes gender every day – a non-issue and normal says PM Theresa May'''

>The United Kingdom is seeing a record number of children, under the age of 16, identifying as transgender – with at least one child making the switch every single day.

>Louise Bowers, a senior deed poll officer, told The Sun: “We used to issue a couple every couple of months – but now it’s seven to ten a week.”

>According to Bowers, most of the kids are in their teens, aged either 14 or 15, however some are as young as ten.

The number of children, aged between 3 and 18, being referred to gender identity clinics went from 314 in 2011 to 2,016 in 2016.

there had been a 4,415 per cent increase in the number of girls being referred for ‘transitioning’ treatment.

>However, the abnormal surge in gender confusion in young children is a non-issue according to UK Prime Minister Theresa May, who said she’s “determined to eradicate homophobic and transphobic bullying.”

“We have set out plans to reform the Gender Recognition Act and streamline and de-medicalise the process for changing gender, because being trans is not an illness and it shouldn’t be treated as such”, she added.

My grandfather told me you can discover everything you need to know about everything by looking at your hands. I've been looking at mine all my life, every day since I was 5, and you know what I've just realized? They're fucking feet.

Start Brexit nigga


>heir user
inheritance tax should be 90%

Am I shadow banned?

business idea: disband parliament and create a new government formed of the top posters on /brit/

just drank some water

why does he live in slovenia?

have you no thought for the advertisers?

>The number of children, aged between 3 and 18, being referred to gender identity clinics went from 314 in 2011 to 2,016 in 2016.
>between 3 and 18

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hate trannies

soaking in the old bath and getting stuck into "the fault in our stars" lads, feeling very cosy

calm down rorke

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It's a dog eat dog world, and I'm the fucking Chinaman

>hiro splits the site into two sites and steps up the moderation to be more ad friendly
>the ads are literal porn

what did he mean?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-08 Emily Sears on Twitter I am so tired of discussing Australia like it’s all j (640x456, 52K)

Soft parenting

quality of life

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Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-08 Emily Sears on Twitter I am so tired of discussing Australia like it’s all j (640x704, 76K)

it owns to slowly go mental

Blog on

gday fuckers! first day in this country and i couldnt believe me peepers - no giant spiders in me boots! no snakes in the bog! gday mate! having a barbie with some sheilas for tea!

absolute state of your nut if you think I'm reading all that shit

they say you shouldn't shit where you eat, well you know something Ray? I have a colostomy and I'm always hungry

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-10 Emily Sears on Twitter So I say, ‘don’t do this, don’t follow women It� (640x621, 67K)


NEED to go to america RIGHT NOW

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wtf i love australia now?????


Well... he isn’t wrong

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This shows very clearly that Asians (see: paki) are the main suspects for grooming gang style assault (not shocking) with whites being next (noncehunter style). For overall child abuse cases 'unknown non-white ethnicity' is the largest section. This is the blacks. The government doesn't want to give out these statistics, they hide them and only very rarely let any leak out, but when they do it's 'whites, asians and 'unknown'. When you add this to the fact that black men commit an absolutely monstrous proportion of violent crime and men at large account for almost all (reported) child abuse it's not a big leap.

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he enjoys low quality?

Saw Mary Poppins returns, was shiteeeee, lmao at the forener who think London's like that

Did everyone clap after?

yeah i think ill just enjoy liking what i like mate thanks dont need some ponce with his shirt off in his profile picture to tell me what i can and cant do

he's wrong. I watch cartoons with my gf in fact

wheres my fucking p

low quality baits? nah, we don't like them

Anime is quite mature these days tbqh

When I look at the floor, I'm on the roof. But when im on the fucking roof? I'm on the goddamn ceiling. You understand?

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he never said you couldn’t tbf

For real

>The government doesn't want to give out these statistics
Ah yes, the paranoid ramblings of a fucking nutjob.

seriously though, rorke. where's the money for grenfell

love Wisconsin, me

rorke be like: mmm chinawomen

my flatmates used to bully me, they would call me a "slovenly pig" and "mouldy dish"

when you see man driving a german whip

computer got faster lads and i dont know why

just been all awash with sadness for a second
not a poof (am a poof but not a poofy one) so shant be dwelling on it
but o! what a waste

i love a chinky like might get one later

Don't think you have any understanding of what Rorke is, Ahmed.

Wonder if it will all sort itself out

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>not a poof (am a poof but not a poofy one)
Puzzling post

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by the way? me? bent.

He-hey, lads! Guess who's back!