Where would you like to be born? Spain or USA
Where would you like to be born? Spain or USA
Ethan Rogers
Jose Reed
Honeslty spain
Xavier Morris
Born in Spain, find success in the US, and permanently move to Uruguay after becoming a millionaire.
Carson Hughes
Asher Rogers
I don't care, both are third world spic shitholes
Julian Gonzalez
Spain, then immigrate to USA.
Benjamin Torres
I'd rather be aborted tbqh
Jaxson Bailey
If in basque country then I am at home
I would rather my peoples rights and historical struggle for individual rights and freedom over thousands of years then momentary unstable revolutionary entities.
Take me home... Euskal Herria... Country home..
Brandon Baker
Neither. Only self-hating soycucks wish they were born somewhere else. I'd just rather conditions in the place where I was born were better instead.
Anthony Cook