
hat edition

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brexiteers really are clutching at straws now

remoaners on the rope

*blocks your path*
>"Oi mate!"
What do?

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cut him down with the fire sword

>implying you have a loicence fo' 'at fire sword

need an anglo gf with a resting bitch face

Need a bf lads

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Did pikeys vote to leave the EU?

French catfish gf is ignoring my messages


I have over 50 pictures of this androgynous star trek nerd girl who posts on /tv/
god I'm so lonely

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Let him go.

'Tis the sound of Saxon foemen
Saxon spearmen, Saxon bowmen
Be they knights or hinds or yeomen
they shall bite the ground!

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Sorry user she's with me

masturbated thrice daily for the past week now and cum lots each time
love being long term unemployed

Voted remain but now believe in Brexit

I am 100% Irish but I larp as English just so I can look down on and mock my fellow Gaels

>Dyson, the technology company, is to undergo a dramatic expansion in the UK by opening a new 210 hectare (517 acre) campus as part of a £2.5bn investment that will support its development of new battery technologies and robotics.
Yes. They're moving head offices to somewhere with low business tax (a plane May had for Britain but was blocked by Labour because MUH CORPORATIONS NEED TO PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE) but their manufacturing and research facilities are being expanded on an actually massive scale considering the company they are.

Love jeopardy lads
I watched it everyday when i was in jail

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civilisation was a mistake

we will go back to the hunter-gatherer lifestyle once it inevitably collapses

was what

Shall be having a wank myself shortly.



right which one of you fat cunts was this?

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phimosis flaring up again

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>The company, led by the billionaire inventor Sir James Dyson, will increase its UK geographical footprint tenfold by developing the campus on a former Ministry of Defence airfield and intends to at least double its workforce of 3,500 over the next few years.
b-b-b-ut they're moving their bank accounts to a city state for low taxes so brexit BAD!

good lad

me? I'm anglo-pictish-gaelic-polish-jewish-maltese

have it on good authority that anyone named alfie is a massive cunt

>1776 American / 1919 Irishman: We want to leave
Um, don't you know that'll be bad for the economy? Leaving the British Empire which has a high GDP to go it alone will make sure you're an irrelevant country. You don't want British corporations to leave the country, do you? Just forget about sovereignty, culture, self rule, identity, only the economy matters


American tourist.

Thanks to Brexit we can finally make more connections

with our great commonwealth friends and make more of Britain (more specifically England) look like this. Brilliant lads, thanks Farage!

:^ D

don't care

what ABOUT the BUS rorke?

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t. liverpool fan

I can’t. Life is too grim without her (him).

Father is as English as roast beef
Mother is an Irish-indo Trinidadian mutt
I Have an ambivalent relationship with race

Right. That goes against what the other lad said about tax arrangements remaining the same.

I suppose R&D isn't strictly affected by customs barriers, is it?

I voted for Brexit because Germany let in more than one million undocumented third world economic migrants under the guise of asylum, which abruptly resulted in mass rapes and violent crime and terrorist attacks. And when other EU member states refused to take any, they were threatened with sanctions and given mandatory quotas.

I don't know how people forget all of that shite it was only a few years ago. That's literally why everyone voted for Brexit. Literally nobody wants hoards of violent third world rabble to be forced upon them.

*saves Britain*

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hypnotised myself with the screen lights again lads

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>double reddit spacing and emojis

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>losing millions in corpoation tax


frankly who cares if the corporations fuck off. they only serve themselves and exploit the common people anyway

brexit was a pushback against the globalist elites and their political puppets who sold out the working man

>i-if a scream projection when someone has caught me out, maybe i can save face
Rasheed really is a desperate fella.

>complains about reddit spacing

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were those the migrants who were putting a strain on italy and greece (who were getting very grumpy about it) before germany decided to try and alleviate the issue for those countries to stop them from threatening to leave the EU
just diplomacy that innit

anyone else browse /brit/ incognito

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That isn't a BREXIT problem though. Labour blocked May trying to reduce Britain's corporation tax to an Irish/Singapore level in order to keep/attract business because of the whole 'fair share' garbage they've been trotting out recently. It's a problem within UK party politics and is entirely unaffected by membership in the EU.

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feral pakis

Ripping some sick rotten corpse farts at the moment. Dog was asleep next to me, I farted on her face and she got down and sneezed

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is it gay if you're attracted to another boy but NOT sexually i do NOT want to fuck him or be fucked i just want to be his friend really bad. for the record however he is homosexual and quite feminine like a little christmas elf but i do NOT want sex with him.

nigel farage personally ran over jo cox in this bus

And now Italy is still rebelling and refusing to take any at all.

Now explain how 'the working man' will benefit from this.

Alri Ms. Watson

Shitaly and gayreece

>Company founder Sir James Dyson has been in favour of Brexit, but Mr Rowan confirmed that Britain's departure from the EU would have little impact on the firm and that they had not made any contingency plans.

>"Only 2-3% of our supply chain is in Europe and that goes east and not west. We do look for disruptions in the supply chain, but at this point in time, we don't foresee any issues with the movement of goods."

>Dyson also revealed its full-year results for 2018, announcing that its profits had topped £1bn for the first time, up by 33%, while turnover jumped 28% to £4.4bn.

Can just tell you're underclass

ah yes the EU refugee quota that the UK chose to... opt out of


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Still banging on about Brexit are we


>Now explain how 'the working man' will benefit from this.

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Literally me but without the wife haha.

Actual working class person here, most people in work think the reason there are Pakis and Niggers in the country is due to the EU because 'Who would actually bring these people here willingly' I tried to explain to them that Pakistan and Nigeria are not in the EU but they'd just get bored and start talking about football.

i want to have sex with matty matheson

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About to brush my teeth lads

racism? Dat Shit Done Ended 2 Hunned Years Ago

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they fucked up. the EU should have let Italy and Greece turn them away instead of forcing them to process all of them alone. that's the problem with the EU it forces countries to do shit they wouldn't ordinarily be obliged to do. It has no business being anything other than a trade arrangement, which is what it was initially intended to be when we joined along with only 5 other countries.

she wasn't there lads

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whats a non autistic outfit to wear out on a weekend day date lads?


We agreed to take 12,000 in the end because of pressure. A token amount, but an amount none-the-less, that was after the government said we would refuse any at all too. Piss take.

Wouldn't mind sucking on her tits
Wouldn't mind it all


how do i get a gf like this

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loved this to be honest she couldn't believe it

Wish I could click my fingers and be back in pre industrial rural England lads specifically the Sussex hinterlands

No chance of that happening when Germany offered them the right to apply for asylum in Germany the moment they set foot on European soil.

You're exactly the kind of easily manipulated idiot that shouldn't be able to vote.

thought that the new trend of confused children being encouraged to permanantly sterilise themselves and mutilate their genitals was weird but the bbc and the prime minister said its actually quite natural so im not fussed any more really


I really don't think Brexit isn't going to be factor. Obviously, since this is about corporation tax, it wouldn't be the major factor, but the timing is incredibly coincidental.

I can tell you are

move back to afrikkka

Brexit is really amusing.