Lauren Southern gave up fighting for white rights in the multicultural Canada and moved to South Brazil where she lives...

Lauren Southern gave up fighting for white rights in the multicultural Canada and moved to South Brazil where she lives with her white Brazilian boyfriend in a 99% white town.

Pic related.

Attached: Laura Sulista.jpg (620x620, 99K)

That doesn't even look like her.

Attached: cringe frog.jpg (272x183, 15K)

Why do you act like a retarded pimp that doesn't actually sell any product?

Attached: 1546562162032.jpg (612x428, 97K)

literally who?

i'm so ashmade of posting with the same flag as OP does
i'm sorre international friends
I can't take this cringe anymore, i'm moving to a flagless board

Attached: download.jpg (224x225, 7K)

looks like a chimp

"""conservative""" whore in youtube

vira lataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

this lmao


eu era o MAIOR defensor dessa bandeira nesse board, sempre fui chamado de macaco, subhumano, mutt e o caralho a quatro, enquanto a corja ficava no luso com medo de postar, agora com essa bosta de eleição são no minimo 4 threads de vira latismo gritando "olha pra mim gringo-san!!! eu sou branco tbm!!! posso conversar com vcs????"

parabéns, vocês conseguiram o impossível, eu ter vergonha de usar essa bandeira no Jow Forums

baseado e redpillado
cringeiro e viadopilado

Le gars ressemble à Manolo dans ramdam

t. comuninha

Attached: 1517524871334.jpg (2832x3672, 627K)

Attached: 1546902130073.jpg (1077x1053, 84K)

Cringe macaco.

Vá foder uma buceta

Eu nao dou a minima para o q brasileiros postam, eles postam o q eles quiserem

Todo país tem merdapostadores, mas só bostileiros se importam

Attached: lil-xan.jpg (780x438, 35K)

todos postam merda, nenhum fora o Brasil implora para ser considerado branco

É só um meme, seu pardo ranhento

>Lauren Southern
She only likes black cock.

>lauren southern
>sleeping with a wh*Te
The gig is up sopa pepe

>memes são divertidos

Attached: 8nRqoXW.png (800x729, 48K)

>posta um meme

Você pensa que engana quem, cafuso?

based and sulpilled

didn't this guy killed this girl?