Whats with russian girls and maid dresses?

whats with russian girls and maid dresses?

Attached: hasd4.png (455x550, 461K)

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Its a graduation dress
Its cute

dunno, but I like it

Attached: Alina Rin maid.jpg (1080x1080, 92K)

what's with russians and always looking unkempt and dead inside?

It not maid dress, it a soviet school uniform for girls.
Kids these days wear it because muh nostalgia about times when they wasn't even alive.
It usually worn during graduation and enrolment ceremonies.

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It probably not so well known even here, because summer uniform was worn only in september and may, because of climate. So it kinda associated with beginning and end of school year, despite back then it was just regular uniform.

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>cheer up
>life is short, laugh
>turn that frown upside down
>life is too short to be serious all the time

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>you wont ever study with these qts
end my self pls

This uniforom was around from Imperial times not ussr

this is why jews destroyed their cration, communism. In the 70s they realized they ended up being more conservative than capitalism shit.

The jews got completely removed from all levels of power after Stalin. They weren't even allowed to attend university. Ironically, the USSR became the most unjewed nation, despite being created by them. Incidentally this was around the time the US declared us their eternal enemies and the Cold War began.

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Cause he's not russian.

Looks similar.

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Did you wear a red tie?

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It's a chink!

Free Kovrig and Spavor


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This is literally my childhood.


>In a 1 December 1952 Politburo session, Stalin announced: "Every Jewish nationalist is the agent of the American intelligence service. Jewish nationalists think that their nation was saved by the USA. . . They think they are indebted to the Americans. Among doctors, there are many Jewish nationalists."[39]

>A notable campaign to quietly remove Jews from positions of authority within the state security services was carried out in 1952–1953. The Russian historians Zhores and Roy Medvedev wrote that according to MVD General Sudoplatov, "simultaneously all Jews were removed from the leadership of the security services, even those in very senior positions. In February the anti-Jewish expulsions were extended to regional branches of the MGB. A secret directive was distributed to all regional directorates of the MGB on 22 February, ordering that all Jewish employees of the MGB be dismissed immediately, regardless of rank, age or service record. . . .[40]".

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I don't know about unkempt but the dead inside is more like insane inside. Just broke up with a broad from there after she was simultaneously dating 4 other dudes and then she threatened to kill herself after I found out. Then pretended as if nothing happened a day later.

Don't forget that the gradual removal of the kike menace from Soviet society actually began well before the Second World War. In fact it began not long after Stalin's rise to premier.

Bullshit. Russian girls are virgin traditional modest Orthodox Christian women, they would never do that.

Not the ones in St. Petersburg.

the very moment russian girl becomes 12yo her mother calls blacked.com to arrive and destroy her hymen

Only whores will be easy to get for foreigners, because of chance to leave and easy money.

Based and REDpilled

What's the school uniform in Russia today?

Stripper heals

Most schools don't have one. Some gymnasiums like my, have something like this.

Attached: IMG_2854.jpg (533x800, 184K)


How'd they get dropped, natural inclination or official policy? Ah, you mightn't know.

Because they looked ridiculous. That's why.

Bad taste

School form. You have to wear it everyday, with black apron, white is for special occasions.

What, uniforms? You can always change the style, such as using a simpler/cheaper version of for schools at large. I don't see how random, casual clothes are better than uniforms.


Russian girls wish they were FRENCH

her age


before Jow Forums turn gay, we use to have slavic qt thread

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just preparing for a life of working as a cleaner in europe or as a sex slave in east asia

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