Nothing depresses me more than the thought of muslims controlling the world

Kill me now before the muslims take over the world.
They have already taken over Europe.

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You guys had one job.

good. you next

Hijabs are my fetish, so it wouldn't be really that hard for me.
Already a godless man anyway. I've sucessfuly pretended to be from dozens of religions before, pretending to be a muslim shouldn't be hard.
Only the male genital mutilation is hard for me

I hope Muslims take back Israel

Yeahhhhhhhh, because the world it's such a wonderful place with you in charge.

>j*ws has powers to control the border of those western countries since that's what j*wsrats are
>"arrghh ahumm multiculture is good you go--westerners, listen plz"
>blame it on muslims

90 iq inbreds are never gonna control the world

This modus operandi is blatantly obvious in Europe.. jewish ring leaders and their "right wing" cronies screaming about Islam and ignoring things like cost and social problems attributed to immigration as a whole.

The jews are cancer. I really hope to be alive the day the holy land gets liberated.

They had a pretty good run when they were around

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Yeah, because you forced them out, what's done is done.

shouldn't have shilling against europe.

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Just nuke

Muslims and Jews are destined to be enemies until the end of time. Deal with it

Just pretend you're circumcised. No one's going to check

Is it true that if a non Muslim convert to Islam, he must cut off his foreskin?

No, you only need to say the verse to convert to Islam. However after you're converted, you need to circumcise his pee pee.

Fuck, I meant your*

This. Whether the Palestinians have legitimate claim or not, there isn't a single person in the levant that the Earth can't afford to lose.

>They have already taken over Europe.

no its the Jewish elite who will control the world and will control billions of muslims in the process

Cmon mate, look at the fucking state of your country and compare it to 40 years ago. If that doesn't depress you, I don't know what will.