malay pride worldwide edisi/edición
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do Filipinos identify as part of the Malay race?
It's a secular thing to them unlike Indonesia and Malaysia's idea of what a Malay is
Indonesia's idea of Malay is secular. You can be both christian and Malay here.
The concept of Malayness in Philippines is different from the concept of Malayness in Malaysia (and Indonesia to an extent) where it's not tied to a lone ethnicity or religion.Rizal's idea of Malayness encompasses the whole Malay realm where every indigenous native is considered a Malay since he believed that colonialism has falsely divided the region
maybe he should've used the term "pribumi" or "bumiputera".
The term hasn't been coined during the time he was alive
>to be Malay
I am ashamed to even share the same geographic region
Why didn't he just make up a term? Or just say native filipino?
of course a chink would say this.