Other urls found in this thread:
Every single post there has spelling errors only bots and dumb people make, shit quality discussion
Successful people talk about facts. Unsuccessful people talk about people.
This may save your lives, anons.
so shut up about vitalik then you loser retard
what the fuck
seems that you are already chipped...
ashtar looks like a bro
it all about money
he dont have enough money to buy back from all scamed people
i bought in march 2017 and am still up +1500%, you can only blame yourself if you were retarded enough to buy the top of an obvious bubble
bought at $25
price is $430
is that simple enough for you, chinese mongoloid?
goddomot pajeet, you've been posting this for a year now.
just fuck off already and don't forget to take your meds.
And (You) hope still enought suckers to buy your bags?
See the volumes:
Vitalik dont have enough money to buy back from all "investors" like you
i could literally marketsell my whole stack for that price, and so could anyone who isn't worth 8 figures
stop posting until you learn basic arithmetics
typical chink subhuman
try gdax eth/usd, chang
>gdax eth/usd
comare with volumes at january LOL
volume in january has absolutely 0 relevance to whether i can sell my stack or not right now, retard
$30,000,000 in a day is enough to sell $400,000 worth of cryptocurrency. how is this a hard concept? 30,000,000 > 400,000. durr
god save us 20 years from now when there's even less white people and even more retards like you and shitskins/niggers
Pajeet forum worse than biz
why would i care about historical eth outcome transactions?
how does this have any relevance to cashing out to usd in june?
is your IQ under 90?
Fuck off with your weak ass Walton fud
volumes even more low
(see your gdax chart)
there is
right now
to cash out
the amount of eth
i have
i cannot make this any more simple for you, simple-minded chang. learn to read, and learn basic math
>there is
>right now
>to cash out
>the amount of eth
>i have
cose you poor like rat
I've been busy. Can anybody tell me what happened to ETH?
Why are Syscoin volumes so low? Is it a scam?
what is is?
can you stop spamming this dogshit thread anytime soon?
Successful people talk about facts. Unsuccessful people talk about people.
>implying anyone worth 7 figures would spam a retard thread every day on Jow Forums
lay down on the gutter oil food chang, it's hurting what little brain cells you have left
Successful people talk about facts. Unsuccessful people talk about people.
shit, we broke him, he's back to step 1
so stop talking about vitalik then, you loser retard
he dont have enough money to buy back from all scamed people, it all about money