>No, I never passed my driving test.
No, I never passed my driving test
I never even tried
I passed the test but never bothered going any further, besides, if you need a car you're living too far from the city.
21 and never driven in my life
I passed a year ago, but I have no car :(
But you have a horse, right?
Ride a horse
Fucking USA making me have to take the driving test. My EU license not good enough? Despite the fact that you fucks have roads that are three times as wide, you still manage to have more fatal accidents per capita or driven mile/kmn- and you're worried about a Eurofag not driving safely? Wankers.
I live in the city my dudes. Horses are becoming obsolete in countryside as well, chinese motorbikes are taking their place slowly.
So in the end China invaded Mongolia?
Wait, how do you say feelsbadman in Mongolease?
What about Priuses? I heard they are quite popular in Ulan Bator.
No job
No bank account
No drivers license
>I live in the city my dudes. Horses are becoming obsolete in countryside as well
shamefur dispray, mongolbro.
yeah we're pretty dependent on them actually, but our hatred of chinese is not changed
everyone drives second hand priuses of japs here. I personally find them really gay, also I'm poorfag, so I can't afford them anyways
>chinese motorbikes
pretty sad
Are motorbikes cheaper than horses?
>took me four tests to get my drivers license
>on my fifth motorcycle license test
I hate test anxiety
I never passed a driving test but I just bribe the police to give me a license anyways.
roughly equal, but the fast ones (those which participates in race) could get ridiculously high, enough to buy luxury apartment
meant the horses btw
Is the Mongolian dream to breed a champion racing horse and sell them for great money?
>Yes, I passed my driving test with perfect grades but haven't drived in 2 years
>I just don't know man, there are so many ways to transit in 2019, a car seems like an outdated relic to me
not having a license is neckbeard-tier though
Too expensive
I failed my test twice :(
That flag
I think you mean having a car is neckbeard-Tier
Everybody cool lives no further than 1km from the CBD of a state capital
> jap cars
Don't they have the steering wheel on the wrong side?
I have a license but I haven't driven in like 6 years. I get really anxious, start sweating and gripping the steering wheel etc. Panic attack
yeah but we don't give a shit. more than half of cars in mongolia are wrong side wheels
I had a motorcycle at 15.
I passed but I can't afford a car.
based third world
I wish it was the same here