Why do Europeans do autistic shit like this?
Why do Europeans do autistic shit like this?
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>implying this is a common theme in Europe
must be updated to windows 10
When will Euros realize the superiority of american suburbs?
so fucking ugly and bland
*snaps and murders family*
That looks like russia except for the front.
Absolutely disgusting.
Jesus. Whatcha want from a house? None of you can even afford it in the first place
Tasteful aesthetics
That's actually pretty cool
>has to drive on the motorway to buy some milk
For it not to be in an american suburb, not build with plywood, sawdust or vinyl.
Also, I don't want a giant pointless garage attached to my house.
>hey this is where the car lives guise
Why are American houses so overcomplicated? Your architects are garbage
literally a waste of money and waste of space, on top on how ugly it is
Notice how the cars living space is almost as large as the normal living space
I am sorry but this is what we call SEETHING. A good house is a big house you poorfag
I mean where else are they gonna park their cars? in their 30m long concrete driveway?
american is better
>1 XXL bag with candy on Lidl vs 1 normal bag with handcrafted candy
in america the former is preferred.
The American way
Jesus. I did not know euros are so autistic about home architecture. Even most of you live in commieblock-tier houses
Its not only architecture but city planning. Your city planning is awful and you know it.
House architecture or City planning
Pick one
leave the blob alone
What honestly pisses me off ALOT is that you can find houses like this in Japan. And still find German festivals in Japan.
Your suburbs are terrible. I will admit that
>Le burger talking about autistic shit
this is the most german picture i have seen
*dabs on w*sterners*
cause they are autistic?
Why are Americans so obsessed with Yurope?
That is pretty fucking cringe
Looks nice
That's pretty cool, better than some suburban sprawl American hut made out of plywood.
Because it's owned by a company fixing computers and that way they grab attention.
Are you retarded?
7/10 comfy south africa upper class vibe.
>Now rate