Spanish Grandparents living in Chile

>Spanish Grandparents living in Chile
>Parents grow up in Chile and catch the accent & culture
>Parents move to Sweden because of Pinochet
>Have me
>Realize how shit Sweden is and hate it's people
>I want to move back to Chile/Spain but I have no cultural connection to those countries anymore

How fucked am I? I speak Spanish with Chilean accent so I would never be welcomed in Spain. My Spanish vocabulary is also extremely lacking because of never using it. And I am not familiar with the culture of neither countries.

Will I die in this country?

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>Realize how shit Sweden is and hate it's people
Pretty ungrateful famalam.

>I speak Spanish with Chilean accent so I would never be welcomed in Spain
Chilean spanish is not bad when spoken correctly. Not that "weon" bullshit. But if you're an autist you will definitely have trouble adapting to either country..

I wouldn't say ungrateful because I see the flaws in Sweden.

I can speak it correctly but still use Chilean words so it might be hard to adapt. Also not an autist.

>I speak Spanish with Chilean accent so I would never be welcomed in Spain. My Spanish vocabulary is also extremely lacking because of never using it.
You're Swedish and you are already fluent in Spanish, which means that you already speak better Spanish than most Scandinavian immigrants, which means you'll be welcome here as a foreigner from a rich country who makes the necessary effort. There are whole towns of European immigrants in the East and the South (Brits being the worst) where they don't bother learning Spanish or assimilating to Spanish culture. Don't be one of them.

moving to Chile requires unlearning and relearning Spanish

You have Swedish nationality right? You can just move to Spain as you're part of EU, after some time there you will be able to speak with a decent accent (Chilean is one of the worst dialects ever to grace this Earth) and once you've done that you will have no problem living here except that there are almost no jobs, if you can get one you are dandy.

>ex gf her grandparents were from Chile and had to flee Pinochet
>go to Spain first
>it’s a shithole
>go to the Netherlands instead and have children, those children have children
>they suggest moving the entire family back to Chile now
>nobody wants to because Chile is poor and Spanish is too hard

So your commie parents left Chile in it's worst moment cause by the ideology they supported and come back 40 years later after their beloved ideology is well put into the thrash and Chile is one of the most economically free economies. Nice

Many people that fled were actually related to the Allende regime.

>be brown subhuman
>have no brain
yes go back to chile lmao

He actually said it was because of Pinochet

Yes you dumb fuck.
Pinochet the richt wing dictator that overthrew the Allende government and imprisoned people involved with him.

Then what's the problem you retard. His parents where Allende supporters so they either left or Pinochet kicked them. It's well known that many Chileans left to Sweden or France, because they are so inconsistent with their ideology that they don't dare touch the shitholes that support it, like Cuba

>wanting to live in shitle instead of sweden
>hating the country that opened its door for you
you should have been massacred commie subhuman.

They're not commies. They were afraid of the regime and how the people were being treated by the military. Also why not move to Europe and try live a better life?

Not a commie but I just don't feel home here. Is it bad wanting to go back to my roots?

Pinochet should've murdered your vermin. Exiles are the worst. It's like the Chilean version of chicanos

>I just don't feel home here. Is it bad wanting to go back to my roots?
You were born there, your parents and you are alive thanks to sweden and you proceed to write you hate sweden.
>They were afraid of the regime and how the people were being treated by the military. Also why not move to Europe and try live a better life?
There you have it the chose the pussy escape, so just stay there and stop criying about muh identity.

What are the flaws of Sweden?

98% tax rate, refugees, autistic people
same as Germany

>Realize how shit Sweden is and hate it's people
end yourself

>chose the pussy escape
But it wasn't my choice. It was my NPC parents.

Do you have any contact with Chilean media and shit? You're gonna be fine here as long as you're not Haitian or Colombian(maybe even Venezuelan)

>I wouldn't say ungrateful because I see the flaws in Sweden.
Sweden is the country who saved your cowards parents when they runaway from Chile.

>It was my NPC parents
Your parents were intelligents in leaving this shithole. The only NPC it's you.

OP, I would recommend you to go on a trip before doing something stupid.


Why didn't they move to Spain instead?

Godamn Chileans for some reason all moved here instead.

You can always return if you do not like it there.

Because they thought Spain was a shithole


>unironically wanting to move from sweden to 3rd world shitholes
shoot yourself that's what you should do

Because Spain is a shithole, dummie

>first world problems
stay in Sweden you mongoloid
also, are you Boy Pablo by any chance?

>I want to move back to Chile/Spain
do it pls

Also, the swedish people literally paid for your lives to be maintained and now you wanna bail on the place when its going a bit south. Kys Doggelito.

Why don't you feel at home in Sweden? You were born and raised there.

Stay there you are not chilean, you'll shit yourself with the first "earthquake" you experience here

Just finish school and get a job in Barcelona. Plenty of sudacas there. Also learn Catalan.

Remove brown sub-humans from premises

No one here would care that much if you speak with that chilean accent

Who the fuck would move from one of the best countries in the world to some third world spics shitholes like Chile and Spain

When he's finished school, he can go to a country where it's legal to hire a prostitute and buy booze in a cornershop.

I hope you move to Chile and get your head crushed by a rock when experiencing their earthquakes

I've travelled a lot in Spain and lived there briefly, I can give you a good rundown if you want to. If you do decide to go to Chile, hit me up and I will pay for your flight tickets.

The answer is: move to better sweden
Ie. Finland

have you ever been here at least?

Shouldn’t you be happy that a non white leaves your country besides the expenditures in education or healthcare you endured because of him?

No but I did watch a lot of videos online and read about it too. My favorite would definitely have to be Pinochét fashwave. I think my journey back is gonna be pretty epic, I just hope Chileans aren't homophobic.

I bet your skin is brown.

>grows up in Sweden
>is gay

Ahahah. Go organize gay parades in Moscow. See how that ends. Good riddance what an idiot.

i really recommend that you spent a month or two here before deciding about moving

That's okay I have watched enough videos to know what it's gonna be like.

I'm actually very white I came out 80% spanish and 19% german on my 23andme

Being gay is okay as you're still redpilled and a fascist

We invested into them so i expect them to produce.
Chileans aren't Arabs and they're wayyyy more respectable and willing to integrate and assimilate.
If it were up to me, yes, i'd send all brownies out, but that's not the situation we're in right now.

dont be a retard, cherrypicked videos cant teach you shit about this country

>hijack faggot OP's thread and make him look even more retarded
now go back to Chile you fucking retard

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Stop being a cuck, only white people are productive like you and they will pollute your genepool. As we say in spanish, ‘enemy that flees, silver bridge,’

Wait I'm a cuck for wanting people that can't be deported to work? That's new.

be greatful you leech sudaca

Seriously this country is super homophobic, the more gays appear, the more ppl become homophobic.
I know that in the capital there is less homophobia but not enough to not get a couple of insults if u are exposing yourself.

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That was just me larping as OP to make him look bad

>chilean minimum wage: 455$

I can extrapolate that its a shithole.

you are part of the problem
he should go back to chili and you should go to hell horrible person

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That's what I said he has to go back

>I want to move back to Chile/Spain

1. Are you rich?
2. Are you politically persecuted in Sweden?

Unless both answers are yes, don't bother moving. What for?

>Live in Sweden
>Wants to move "back" to Chile

Stay there you idiotic cunt

kek i hope this dumbass is for real and he actually goes to Chile.

Spain is a shithole with nearly 0 jobs available, plus everyone there is lazy.
Chile is far away and a third world country, full of socialists.
Stay in Sweden mate.

>very white
>80% spanish

you are basically a quadroon

Hey, Poland with a star.

Would a Polak be looked as ok in Chile?
Highly specialized IT although I would prefer the south than Santiago.

yes, maybe not as prestigious as a west euro, but if you are white you will be fine


>I'm actually very white I came out 80% spanish and 19% german on my 23andme

Dude I know someone who's half spanish/half anglo and he thought he was non-white/others thought.

No one would discriminate you (in a negative way), maybe you'd even have succes with the ladies. Specialist in anything related with technology shouldn't have trouble finding job in Santiago. I can't speak for the south, though.

Guys see these posts I think OP disappeared so I decided to shit up his thread

you're in for a treat dude, Chile is not what you imagine, it's full of weaboos, xenophobes, homophobes, and it's pretty much still a pinochet loving piece of shit country, better stay away from this place while you can

hi swede in the us here
you have to go back

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Based and redpilled but the image you posted is in Finnish

yes I am aware

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Nice enough. Chile is my number one getaway forever destination if it will look like Europe going to the shitter is imminent.

I can work remote although I would probably go for Santiago for the beginning. Me no hablo but I speak French and Italian and get the basic sense when someone speaks Spanish (even with your accent) so Santiago for the beginning would be a safe bet. Maybe Valdivia or even more south when I know the spirit and specifics of the country better.

>i suffer in the first world

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I mean southern Chile is one of the most gorgeous places on earth no doubt and Valdivia is probably the best city there but I think you're underestimating just how rural the region is, finding a job won't be easy
Santiago has it's sweet spots, I recommend you finding a nice place near Baquedano to settle with occasional vacations to the south

Getting a IT job in the south is easy as fuck

>There are whole towns of European immigrants in the East and the South (Brits being the worst) where they don't bother learning Spanish or assimilating to Spanish culture

Learning spanish shouldn't be that difficult if you already know italian. Also, knowing more languages should give you a plus when it comes to finding a job (but english is always the best tongue you can learn). You sound like you really did your research about this country, but if you have more questions just ask.

Lmao pls come. I'll hire a Colombian hitman to kill you as soon as you arrive

I'm accustomed to working for foreign clients, even with my old semi-IT profession (CG) so work on spot is not a must.

I did some very basic research like climate, political climate, prices, property prices, usual wage, Santiago vs. the rest - especially the south.

I've also watched some videos from a Polish yt fag but he just stormed through Santiago with his Venezuelan kinda hot gf.

Thanks for the advice anons, I will be doing more reading in when I feel the time is coming.

>Chilean user in US
why do you wanna move to Sweden? Chile isn't a bad place as like the other beaners countries but his folks keep being an envy toxic scum that just want to make you feel the worst shit that ever exists.

to be honest, if you're white and you feel ''my Chileans ancestors'' let me tell you a secret, lad. Chile is like Argentina but less blonde. that little rude country had many immigrants from Europe, special in the south. thanks to the weather of the austral zone.

in other the case that you're a mestizo with Mapuche blood or other shit, just I hope that you don't have the personality of Chileans.

if you enjoy bullying every guy that saw in the street or just enjoy to be rude, you're welcome to Chile

by the way, I have a plenty life in chile, I was a cuico there but I really hate how chileans people are.

>I was a cuico there but I really hate how chileans people are.
Of course that you would hate chileans, all cuicos are subhumans so you never had the chance to meet good people

Cuicos are bad people lol. It's almost like flaites

be white and speak a normal spanish is be like a flaite scum? for that reason I left you guys

Flaytes are plebs
cuicos are high class people

>normal spanish
Lmao cuico accent is the absolute minority. If you speak "normal spanish" then you're either asperger or weird as fuck.
Banter culture is the best, only insecure people feel offended by it.

>normal spanish
Don't even you believe that, they way that you talk is at the same level that flaites

also I left Santiago for a while when I was 16, I met many poorfags there, in the north (iquique to be exactly) they're scum and aren't nice.

That just you being a faggot, they probably called you rubiecito or cabeza de cobre and you got offended, please never come back

I know that moron

I speak a normal spanish, I don't galla or other cuico slangs, but chileans think I'm so funny when I speak with so ''perfect'' and make his sense of humor 'webeo'

not all cuicos talk like a californian girl

don't worry for that lad. feels good to be in america and be white. nobody notice that I'm from sudacaland and I can be a generous white man

Lmao you're just sensitive and can't take banter wich is an essential part of our culture

They are retired people that dont care to learn spanish