
love herefordshire (NOT hertfordshire) edition

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Is there really a place called hetfordshire and herefordshire?

Wonder what it's like to be yourself and then discover the great majority of girls reject you for it

For me its Dublin (OH)

bored of this edition 2bh

yes mboko, it literally is

Want to vist Devon and Wallcorn
Are they any good or just Lunduner holiday home meme?

I want to cum inside her, wait a few minutes, fuck her again and pull out and cum all over her tits.

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What are you doing today?

Is my internet working

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was just playing squad got 43 downs in one game


jurassic coast is a great walk
more dorset than devon but same difference

Miniblog update: Reading a tender document

love machine gunner me
or LAT. none of that grenadier bollocks

say the word /brit/, you know the one


Alri yanks

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nice try dickhead I know that's a film



very naive person

worst part is the yank thinks everyone is as dumb as him and would mix herts up with hereford

Thank your boss by sucking his chair

Pictures speak louder than words

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I didn't do it

>Thai Gov’t Pharmaceutical Organization aims to start producing cannabis oil by mid-Feb

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did the whole thing as infantry (G3 rifleman, marksman, HAT then scout)
not even the bradley gunners game close

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it means “dont put on a cringey facade and act like somebody you arent’
it doesn’t mean “you should anticipate attracting women as an autistic, unattractive incel freak”

I'm a hindu. I'm a mad mad hindu

I want to lick her anus and have anal sex with Emma Watson, not worrying that I'll have her feces on my penis.

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watch thailads posts slowly decrease in quality

You can still do things if they are against the law you know.

thirty three and a third

messaged the gf that we should have sex soon and she hasn't responded for 2 hours
might be on to the next one

turtle tree and a turd?
what's the Irishman trying to say

and I would, if I were in my own country.

>not worrying

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play S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fggt

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blog on

Based? Check
Redpilled? Double check

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was playing it last week got a bit monotonous

Maybe she is busy and he

howling at the ‘groids in the comments

why dont indians come to the 21st century and stop dressing in robes

Its part of the experience

never once used lube when having sex and it confuses me why you would. are you trying to shove it in there without foreplay?

How many brits still play runescape

Get out of here Leaf

"The family name has been dragged through the mud. They are law abiding and go to church, we all do," Larry's brother told The Times.

"No way would they do all of this. They wouldn't do a thing like that. Larry said he went to hell when he got off the plane."

The brother's 16-year-old son also told The Times: "It's been humiliating. All my friends at school are joking about it and I'm seeing all the videos on social media.

"They've been targeted because they are Travellers."

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Fuck off Paki

I've had to use lube when the girl hasn't shagged for a few months (or ever)

Why don't you come to India and marry me faggot

It was a stalker reference you retard
Get out of /brit/

blog on

Alri Paki

shagged a virgin last summer, had no problems in this regard
I suppose some girls have drier fannies than others


This leaf has never played stalker
Never trust it

lmao btfo

that'll do pig

Some women just don't get wet from normal foreplay. Like I knew this one chick that always wanted to fuck but always used lube cause she just knew it was how she was...

Probably needs to get gangraped by randoms to get wet like a normal person or somethin

there's LITERAL video evidence of them acting like scum, why the fuck are they acting so surprised about being treated like it?

God damn gyppos man

Should I

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I wouldn't mind if she squirted a bit of poo in my mouth.

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Was literally about to write that, are they like that in Britain/Ireland all the time?

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What did they do in out of the loop

Get out of here leaf etc


You lie and i will never trust you




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I'm not too well up too but there's CCTV of them robbing from a petrol station, the wife steals some shit and the kid steals a fucking christmas tree

This is why people hate gypsies in the UK so much, they act like absolute scum showing ZERO regard for anyone(living on other people's land, refusing to move, terrorizing and robbing from the local communtiy, then when moved on by the police leaving the place a state costing several £thousand to clean up)

Then they turn around and wonder why they're persecuted and hated so much, boils everyone's blood

You’re mentally ill

Shoplifting, littering and not paying for food at restaurants

classic pikey behaviour but it's not often they get out of the uk or ireland so it's a big shock to people who aren't used to them

the IRONY in this post

Last night I saw the light lads - virtual ASMR. These japs have the right idea with vtubers, sexy voice but no need to worry about some unsexy hog attached to it, just sweet perfect 2D.

Stupid goy

This thread

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Get out of here leaf


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ooh I butter my shoes and I'm ready for week-eend

Need to shag her.

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Usually have a wank to help me sleep but since it's so hot I'd get sweaty and will be too uncomfortable to sleep

fucking hate summer me

Choon for the lads.


Put a towel under you then jack off.

Shit blog incoming, hold on


That is clearly a man

but how do I donate and get acess to their premium snapchat when they don't exist?

Do you ever fall asleep lying on your arm and then when you wake up it's totally paralysed and numb and feels alien and you need to use your other arm to get it moving and the blood flowing through it again?
Or is this just me?

good job it's bloody january then innit


Sitting and shitting right now

yes, except it's my gf that usually falls asleep on my arm haha

careful mate don't want to get a hemorrhoid

That a lad

Used to have this happen often as a kid.