Pictured: scramble for Africa circa 1900

pictured: scramble for Africa circa 1900

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Me on the right

fuck off to lgbt

Boys don't have thighs like that.

Me on the left

Based white bvll

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Why are darkies so gay?

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Based but my peepee is much bigger

me top of you :3

rapist animal~

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It is not rape if you enjoy it slut~

itt: A Fin and an Egyptian ERPing

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we do this everytime he posts :3

>Barcelona user asking for a blowjob practice buddy
>Thread gets deleted

that's me though

It is tho

are you the user that gave fuks by any chance

>tfw no black slave to feminize and sissyfy as he cries over his lost manhood and the 10 inch white dick in his ass


But I have that hair colour and my dick is big
Thats literally me
Yes :3

how can i request a fuk
what's the protocol

Attached: blushing sexual predator.gif (540x542, 366K)

t-that could be me

Go through a screening process and if you meet the requirements you will receive the fuk
Are you small and cute?

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I-I think so, yeah

feminization tech isn't there yet
you need to go from lebron james to fat assed 5 foot anime trap

Height? Weight? Are you smooth?
Do you have any butt experience?

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well iirc I was 1.70 with 55kg or so, and I shave regularly..
>butt experience
only with fingers desu

>1.70 with 55kg or so, and I shave regularly...
Really good stuff user
>only with fingers desu
Thats a problem, Im pretty big
You can drop your discord if you want

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