The median salary among males in Sweden is $3465 per month, plus benefits and legally mandated vacation pay (+12%). The minimum for McDonald's workers is $2380 (+12%) per month.
How does that sound to you?
The median salary among males in Sweden is $3465 per month, plus benefits and legally mandated vacation pay (+12%). The minimum for McDonald's workers is $2380 (+12%) per month.
How does that sound to you?
I want to know.
How many hours a week? sub 25-30 and thats pretty good for that kind of job
its heaven and im moving there
You should keep in mind, however, that a meal at McDonald's will cost you $8,43.
>tfw $4200 straight out of school
>tfw M.Sc from one of the best tech schools in Europe for free
costs almost the same here and our wages are 5-10times lower
Huh?, shouldn't it be cheaper?
What about taxes?
cheap cost of living in shitholes is a meme, thats why they are shitholes