please post yours, incels. and be nice.
Ancestry tree thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Also, ama.
Here is the template btw
thats not very nice......
>French AND a Chink
You have to go back.
>open bag of maltesers
>see this
what do?
I would fight for this country bredda, more than you. Also the french is so far away....
Hello fellow Frenchman
You are here every thread. Do you ever leave Jow Forums?
bonjour mais je suis pas francais
i've seen him everywhere too. I think he is a neet.
but you are all french rapebabies
How u doing P
Yeah, I wanna die.
Please jump on my above average sized penis. gib phone number or contacts
sorry i dont like pakis
i'm the OP. i like paki girls though and you're basically one so please jump on this big don
sorry i dont like chinks
not chinese, manchurian.
Different user. Do you like Scottish people?
post face
I'm fully Slovene
give me one of your accounts on any media and i will show face there
you first
Not me. I am Anglo-Saxon.
>not chinese, manchurian
so chinese?
Honestly, I don't really like men...
kikuo#7964 discord
Please accept your french heritage. It's not so bad! Trust me!
stfu moron
No sir. I am Anglo-Saxon.
>Surname is Anglo-Saxon
>Germanic first name
>Traced family tree
>All English going back generations, with Anglo-Saxon surnames
I am not Norman. I am Anglo-Saxon.
I stole this a while ago. I think the guy updated though
but 75percent of manchu bannermen in 18th century were chinese, stop larping
you can only say you are manchu if you are jaegaseung (north korean jurchen)
>56% face
dios mio...
jeez just be my gf already
you posted your feet before so you've gt nothing left to lose you slut
That is not the correct file
Lesbians are hot
Do I win?
The family is literal ethnic manchu, not han. Their ancestors fluently spoke the language.
haha lol funny kara boga meme from 2017.......
How come you guys get so many flags up there
El horror de montevideo.
Melanesian right?
>DDR mom
Based. I want DDR milf gf
this is great
many chinese bannermen also spoke manchu
but okay since you are adamant about it i belive you
please learn the language and sport the queue hairstyle
do not let the culture die :)
Being part of the New World
Living near population centres
it's annoying getting called something i'm completely not. are you indian? malay?
you rude i dont like you
add me on the discord ples, i want a russian to talk to if nothing else
>>still a commie
Is this guy’s mom consumed by propaganda? East Germany and every other commie nation was a hellhole which everyone who lived in it hated. Also the fuck is “Die Linke”
Okay, I'll add you later.
Galician emigration to latin america through the centuries to the point Galician is a despective for all spaniards used by latinos.
We jewed our way through with entrepeneurship. A stereotypical Galician character from the eyes of latinos is Manolito from Mafalda. We opened schools created associations and businesses from big things down to a million general stores like chinks do in Spain now to the poing most non food random shit stores are called "chinos", "chinese's".
*frots hands in Galician jewery*
>t. Uncle Sam
Fuck off propagandist. East Germany was based.
Fuck off. 1/3 of the entire population was part of the Stasi
the mutt strikes again
There's no bullying.
Even some of your own soldiers defected to East Germany because they hated capitalism so much.
Based Germany.
I'd almost believe my dad was someone elses child if he didnt' have a photo of what he looked like before he got so tanned.
so what happend with you dad?
Compared to the 10,000+ that left commie Germany? I fucking cheered when the Berlin Wall fell, you’re a disgrace
Sorry for lack of colour
Lazy phone edit
I honestly don't know he said he lived on boats half his early life, Maybe just in his genes because his brother is about 80% as tanned as he is.
>A stereotypical Galician character from the eyes of latinos is Manolito from Mafalda
who's kind of a retard
Anglos btfo.
French nobility, german royalty, jewish financial elite...
It does seem that anglos are the eternal peasant race
>German royalty.
They are as German as Americans are.
Yeah, it's part of the stereotype. Dumb brute and greedy. But he's a fun character.
pathetic mongrel. Go suck your boss dick, you fucking failure
Actually really interesting
>the fuck is "Die Linke"
look it up
Enjoy starvation in North Korea, Cuba, and every other totalitarian commie state
based Cuba
Based Romance commies
Cringe Yank bootlicker
The only bootlicker is you, you lick the boot of commie countries. I have freedom and enjoy it, you don’t.
Thoroughly Yanked
Good goyim. 20 more years of hard work and perharps you'll get a promotion.
Jews control every single commie country, not in capitalist countries
You're not free.
Freedom is a buzzword that billionaires use to enslave you.
Save way they said America was fighting for freedom when your government started wars around the globe
Cambodia, China, Vietnam, Cuba?
Even Soviet Union didn't had many jews since Stalin btfo Trotsky.
Russ*an women belong to VKRAINIAN BVLLS
But I've never been to Ukraine and live in Siberia.
Extremely based. How did your anglo dad meet a turkfu?
d-do you have any qt sisters user...
>dad is ukrainian
>"somehow" ended in siberia
>married into a siberian qt.13