would you have sex with a 5/10, acne ridden, 183 cm, overweight dutch girl? Would other people in your country?
I don't have very high standards
Would you have sex with a 5/10, acne ridden, 183 cm, overweight dutch girl? Would other people in your country?
Maybe a blowjob. I'm desperate but not that desperate.
I love chubby women, so yeah.
where in belgium
how much will you pay?
You mean are you the girl you described or did you fuck a girl like you described? For me it would depend on how big the ass and tits were, if the shape of the body is nice. Overweight girls can be sexy but with the right distribution. Fat and small tits is just the worst thing in the world
I can get past the 5/10, acne ridden and 183,bu the overweight stuff just kills the deal.
Yes because I am 171cm so I could get off to the height difference
also things like no beard, balding, manlet are things out of men's control but being a fat fuck is 100% your own fault