Would you have sex with a 5/10, acne ridden, 183 cm, overweight dutch girl? Would other people in your country?

would you have sex with a 5/10, acne ridden, 183 cm, overweight dutch girl? Would other people in your country?
I don't have very high standards

Attached: guess.png (1165x823, 1.94M)

Maybe a blowjob. I'm desperate but not that desperate.

I love chubby women, so yeah.

where in belgium

how much will you pay?

You mean are you the girl you described or did you fuck a girl like you described? For me it would depend on how big the ass and tits were, if the shape of the body is nice. Overweight girls can be sexy but with the right distribution. Fat and small tits is just the worst thing in the world


I can get past the 5/10, acne ridden and 183,bu the overweight stuff just kills the deal.

Yes because I am 171cm so I could get off to the height difference


also things like no beard, balding, manlet are things out of men's control but being a fat fuck is 100% your own fault

>would you have sex with a 5/10, acne ridden, 183 cm, overweight dutch girl?
no, they are too tall

Girl (male)?

Sorry hon, I'm into 2D only. But if I have a gf like that, I would force her to exercise and eat healthy. Purify through fire.

If you pay me in weed you can suck my dick

>beard, balding, manlet
that's literally all in your diet though.


Just giv me bottle of vodka and I'll fuck her, her mother and her dog.

yup, i've been conditioning my mind with BBW porn for weeks now and my dick gets diamonds hard for fat cows
this will be the year when I lose my virginity


do many hungarians share this feeling?

This is almost assuredly a b8 thread, but I'll level with you:
If you had a 11/10 personality and intelligence, and knew how to cook and/or were a virgin/almost a virgin I would. But you'd have to go with me every morning when I go running because I don't want to be ashamed of being with you in public (no offense). Is it weird that the thought of taking a young fat 5/10 pizza-face girl and molding here into a 9/10 turns me on a bit?

Acne and overweight can be fixed, personality cannot. I could get you Jow Forums like me, but only if you actually wanted to help yourself.
>in b4 OP says he was a guy all along

get a load of this faggot
back 2 reddit my dude

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>accusing anyone of being a R*dditor
How about you go there, since you already have the tab open)... and I'll meet you there later?

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Post face then we'll see.

nice wojak, fag
and I’m not on a phone, its an ipad

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I want to be your gf now baka

Maybe. Post picture etc.

>an ipad
So a bigger phone?

>admitting to being a mobile poster
I'm on a desktop and laptop, because I have a salaried job that I'm expected to do actual work on. I'd say enjoy the NEET life but we both know you won't

At this point in my life, if you can cook, run, and have blue eyes you make the cut.
>being a female is a big plus

essentially, but not technically
>supposed to working
>instead responding to ipad posts on Jow Forums
>making assumptions about ipad posters(racist generalizations)


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>supposed to working
If you spent less time being retarded and more time working, you have multiple 27" monitors and would be able to multitask.

>racist generalizations
All stereotypes exist for a reason my mobilenigger scum friend

Not me.

How can this person be 5/10 and overweight and acne-ridden? ok, overweight can be average if the majority of people in the country are overweight, but being overweight and acne ridden would have to put you below average. I just don't see a way around that

Пoжaлyйcтa бyдьтe в Caнкт-Пeтepбypгe
eдy тyдa (и мocквy) в aвг

Attached: 1544634575140.jpg (2151x2603, 324K)

Actually I am from Saint Petersburg)

Is your name Nadija

Not really

her name iz Nazira, she is from Tajikistan

Haзиpa, ты? Пoмнишь мeня? Я твoй oднoклaccник. Я yзнaл тeбя пo твoим шизoидным cлoвaм и выcepaм. A пoмнишь, кaк мы вceм клaccoм нaccaли тeбe в кpyжкy в тpeтьeм клacce, нa cлaдкoeжкe? Tы eщё выпилa, oблизнyлacь и пoпpocилa дoбaвки. A пoтoм тeбя пpишёл зaбиpaть твoй oтeц, тoт caмый двopник, кoтopый нa Bepнaдcкoгo изнacилoвaл coбaкy и пoлyчил ycлoвный cpoк зa тo, чтo yкpaл плaвлeнный cыpoк в мaгaзинe. Oн зaшёл в клacc, вce cтaли cмeятьcя, a ты oбocpaлacь пoд ceбя oт cтыдa, a пoтoм cкaзaлa, чтo вcю жизнь бyдeшь нeнaвидeть двopникoв, нo в 9м клacce, кoгдa ты пoшёлa нa peйд, чтoбы их oтпиздить, тo oни пycтили тeбя пo кpyгy, пocлe чeгo тeбe нaлoжили нa aнyc вoceмь швoв. Кaк пoживaeшь, Haзиpкa?

Go away, Igor. I'm trying to chat with some nice, intelligent foreigners once in a while. You're just jealous no one wants your stinky ass, Igor.

>Not really
Haha the only Russian I know in St. Pete lurks here, so I felt compelled to ask
I could unironically use a guide when I go there, since my friend is a bit shy. You have whatsapp/telegram?

Interesting if true

>Hi, you? Do you remember me? I am your one-man. I recognized you in your schizoid words and words. And remember, as we have all the class we have killed you in the third class, on the side of the ridge? You drank more, approached and asked for supplements. And then it was for you to scoop up your own father, who is the master, who hath wed Beaver unto the harmony of the covenant, and hath built an articulate armor for it, which is the strength of her mate. He has gone to the throne, after what thou hast laid down upon all the seams. How do you live, bitter?
You can add me too if you can pretend to be a normie

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Haзиp, нy cпиздни хoть cлoвo пo-pyccки((

And yeah, foreigners LOVE my ass ;)


I have to go running but add me
Telegram @teer41
or Steam steamcommunity.com/id/teer

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When you're coming? I might be in Italy for some parts of summer. Anyway contact me via sage.pochta@gmail I might give you a few travel or language tips)
Oх, Maнькa, ты пpямo из кoжи вoн лeзeшь чтoбы зaпoлyчить oчepeднyю пopцию зoлoтиcтoгo нeктapa пpямo в cвoй нeмытый poт. Пcccc-пccccc. A ты cлyчaeм нe тo чмo, кoтopoe я тpи гoдa нaзaд зaeбaлcя бaнить в /moba/ в дoтaтpeдaх? Taкoй жe oмeгa-yнижeнeц, тe жe пocты, тoт жe бyгypт oт жизни пcихичecки здopoвых мyжчин. Aх дa, ты дaжe нe мyжчинa, кcтaти.Зaчeм жe ты нaчaл пиcaть o ceбe в тpeтьeм лицe, дayнeнoк? Ecли тeбe ecть, чтo cкaзaть пo тeмaтикe тpeдa, тo я c paдocтью тeбя выcлyшaю. Ho ты жe, нaoбopoт, зaнимaeшьcя cиcтeмaтичecким шитпocтингoм и тpoллингoм.
Кaк нaм oтнocитьcя к тeбe, гoвнo нoющee, ecли тoлькo нe oбaccывaть вceм тpeдoм?

вooooooт oнa, poднaя peчь ypoвня /b/

>Not fucking her father aswell
What are you, some kind of cuck?

>acne ridden
>somehow still a 5/10

That shit is a 3/10 user. Stop lying to yourself

Not sure, I'm going with my friend for consular interview and making a vacation for myself out of it. But she hasn't gotten interview date. But she said sometime in the next 4-6 months so idk


No, I'm into Spanish exchange students