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You feel you are a citizen of the EU?
Asher Smith
Isaac Baker
1. poland
2. yes
praise EU Gott strafe England
Matthew Reyes
how much of a brainlet are you that you have to 'feel' this? If you live in these countries you legally are, you can't feel not being a citizen
Nolan Stewart
1. Ukraine
2. Yos.
Ayden King
1. Ukraine
2. No. We are part of Russian Federation and Eurasian Union
Jacob Cooper
Pidaraha plox!
Zachary King
I am indeed a citizen of the Estados Unidos
Jonathan Brooks
This is nonsense.
Grayson Green
that graph was probably taken in t*mpere or h*lsinki
Bentley Martinez
rural and suburban retards don't matter
Jaxson White
But you have no other cities.
Joseph Richardson
very based
Juan Harris
>french plans
>g*rmany crushed for good
>better trianon
>t*rks removed
>italy didn't get cucked
what went wrong?
Dominic Carter
What kind of a question is that. That I'm an EU citizen is a factual state of affairs, not something based on feelings.
Kayden Myers
Nolan Johnson
Eli Robinson
What people hear when they are asked this is "do you feel that you have the same rights as other EU citizens, the same protections enjoyed by them, the same voice to be heard"
Levi Fisher
they need to hire better Bulgarian translators then, that's a very peculiar mistake
Joseph Phillips
Of course not.
Lucas Johnson
t. pönde
Too bad most people happen to live in the relevant cities. The few rural hicks don't get a sat.
Caleb Powell
Then that means it's a terrible survey and they need to take Methods 101.
Oliver Edwards
William Flores
considering how much we spend defending it I kind of do
Benjamin Sullivan
kys Kremlin shill
Samuel Flores
1. British National Overseas
2. No
Jaxon Wilson
Yeah of course
Landon Ramirez
>58% say they are a citizen of the EU
>52% want to leave the EU
I question the validity of this poll. Either that or people are confusing "EU" and "European".
It is very simple, the EU is not a sovereign country (yet), so a person would say they are a citizen of their own country before a citizen of the EU. For example I would be Scottish first, British second and European third.
Jayden Sullivan
Germany loves EU both Italy and France don't. Really makes you think :^)
Carter Nguyen
Not on inch of Hungarian soil.
Lincoln Cook
>you can't feel not being a citizen
Yes you can you absolute retard
Easton Brown
Yeah like when Germany occupied France no? You were all German and felt German
Colton Watson
There's nothing to feel.
I just am a citizen of the EU, legally.
Bentley Ortiz
I feel like I'm not a Finnish citizen even if I am. Just like I feel like I'm a girl (male).