Why is there so much jealousy of Sweden?
Why is there so much jealousy of Sweden?
Honestly wish that Norway would have joined the EU in the 90s so that we wouldn't be exempt from all these EU statistics and reports all the time
You don't need EU, you've got oil
Not what I meant, I still want us to join the EU.
Call me a cuck faggot all you like, everyone, but the EU is the future.
You want to join the EU so you can be on the maps too?
>Honestly wish that Norway would have joined the EU
Obviously not one of my main serious reasons, but yes, it's a nice side benefit.
The EU is shit
Only if you're a loser in your personal life
I'm not. I would consider myself average. I just don't like the EU.
Based retard
It's all cool and stuff but why is your economic growth is so insignificant then?
>if you're not from the big city you're a loser
Developing countries like Russia usually have higher economic growth than top tier cunts, because when you are at the top it's harder to upgrade.
>referring to Russia
You may compare yourself to the US or other EU markets
>>if you're not from the big city
90% of people don't live in the red zones.
absolutely based switzerland
It's more like 60%
No, 90%. The red zone also had a big blue zone in it