Decline of the aussie: Boredom Down Under

Why aren't Australians as funny as they used to be? In the days of old they were renowned shitposters and memelords; now they simply suck American cock and never contribute with anytihing insightful or amusing. Frankly I think they've lost form; a whole island of boring cunts.

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like half of australians posting here are butthurt arab immigrants

Today 80% of Australians posters are Chinks

Accurate and on point posts

>half of australians posting here are butthurt arab immigrants
>80% of Australians posters are Chinks

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aussie posters aren’t usually ethnically aussie
we have the same issue with american flags, too many atrocidads or los abominacions larping as a burger chompin’ Our Most High praisin’ ten gallon tippin’ Americans

Listen here you fucking swede

The aussies are in great suffer okay ? Don't you realise that they are trying to be funny, to entertain you, just so they can receive (you)'s just to fill the sadness in their hearts ?

EVERYTIME I see an australian posting, I reply to him just for the form, I want them to feel good, even thought they won't admit it, it pleases them.

I can tell most aussie will simply reply to me "ye mum's a cunt m8, cheerio", still I love them.

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>aussie posters aren’t usually ethnically aussie

They were never particularly funny, you are only starting to realize it now

half abos, arabs of some form or the other, koreans
same with swedish posters, I see plenty of muhammed ahmeds and zimbabwes