The Average American's Face Will Change How You Think About Race

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It honestly blows my mind that miscegenation is legal

I see 3 niggers.

Those yellow eyes are kinda cool

Americans will be all blacks, i'm sure of that

La luz no mas

the first one is the only one that will be remotely accurate in 20 years

Left To Right
Chin Po Pin Pot Garcia
El Negro Del Oscuridad
La Luz Final Del America

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Unlikely, they are a small minority and are below replacement level for reproduction and fewer people than you think mix with them. It's Asians and Latinos that are growing in number and they tend to mix a lot with whites. The Latin mixed kids might be able to pass as whites over time but the hapas never will.

La Creatura....

I feel like the Poles trying to drive back the horde in the 1200s

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Is it worth trying to halt racemixing? I mean, the world is only going to get more globalized. It might be inevitable, especialy when we start colonizing space

>Is it worth trying to halt racemixing?
absolute state of sweden


That one in the middle. JUST

I know a guy who's like a quarter Indian, but you can't tell because he looks like a fairly normal Swede. You can't always tell if someone is pure white

nah, in 200 years they'll be shitting out genetically engineered lizard people anyway

The average american will look like a bug and it's beautiful

>but you can't tell because he looks like a fairly normal Swede.
I thought it was a joke but this actually is the absolute state. Maybe you're right, there's no saving sweden. Too mentally ill to be saved

Needs soymutt.

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Are you sure?

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That's just the way to weed out the traitor genes in the women.

nobody wants to live in new england anyway

None of those faces looks natural.
They could just take pictures of numerous mixed people and make a composite portrait out of it, but no, they decided to take a nigger, a chink and a mayo and just imposed them one over the other. Smh.

do you honestly think anyone but whites will manage to figure out space colonization? chinks could but they will collapse again before then

Nobody's ever going to colonise space, you dumb proles.

Tell me, How do u feel when ur blondes girls get pregnant by bbc?

>Americans will be all black

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Space colonization is a pretty retarded idea to begin with. There's no reason to live on Mars.

the third one is steph curry's daughter in 2030

We either colonize space or we die out, there's no alternative.

Listen, here's what we do. We die out, but before that we send out self-replicating craft which we've programmed to probe the anal cavities of whatever life forms they may encounter.

Well then we better prepare for dying out, because we don't even have the know-how to make a small base on the Moon - nay, we actually don't have the money to send a second human to the Moon and back. Get back to the Earth, my dear dreamers.

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>anal stuff
sounds like the ultimate human thing to do. we'll outmonkey all the space monkeys!


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