Attached: boomermanlet.png (905x895, 88K)
That 5'8 boomer that avoids standing next to people taller than him
Nolan Brooks
James Martin
>how's the weather up there?
Andrew Morales
I don't avoid it ;)
Jack Green
>yeah I used to be tall i've lost some height from doing heavy squats
Nathan Thompson
I just avoid people in general.
Tyler Barnes
Heavy squats are ceci
Jayden Torres
At least your not a low testosterone z fag
Luis Reed
>that 5'9'' boomer who married a woman a bit taller than him and who's observably shorter than her when she wears heels.
That'd be me.
Jeremiah Flores
boomer cope
Christian Anderson
5'6 25 yr old boomer link marine reporting in biatches
Angel Gonzalez
Heavy squats are a fucking meme
>losing an inch of your height
>looking like a T-Rex
>walking around with DOMS all day
>fucks up your back or knees if your form is slightly off
>losing range of motion for anything but squatting
>slows down sprints, makes you useless in other sports
>slows down kicks if you practice martial arts
>zero practical strength, you gas out after 10min when moving furniture
Oliver Bennett
>that 5’9 boomer who doesn’t buy any shoes without atleast an inch and a half bottom
Jaxson Allen
Top Kek of June award to OP
Daniel Green
Evan Davis
>that boomer manlet who always wears boots
Blake Garcia
>That 30 year old boomer with bad knees and back (also enlarged prostate) whose squat plateaud around 200 pounds after 10 years of training trying to C O P E with his reality of being a weak and fragile old man.
Aiden Nelson
Joke's on you I'm actually 5'6"
Mason Foster
being 5'6 is not a joke...i'm sorry
Hudson Sanchez
Leo Davis
Are manlets one day going to be considered the attractive men? Just like being fat used to be attractive in the shakespearen era?
Josiah Nelson
So you fucked up your knees and back to squat less than some insta sluts? Pathetic.
>enlarged prostate
Try saw palmetto. It might fuck up your libido though.
>bad knees
Orthokine/reginokine are like magic if you can afford it
>bad back
If you’ve stopped lifting, do at least some pull ups. It will help with your back. Also if you’ve got that boomer gut, lose some weight.
t. 35 yo fellow boomer
Jacob Hill
thank you boomer
Kevin Brooks
i just made the 30yo boomer that takes joint supplements thread i hope u like it
Anthony White
>That 35 year old boomer embarasses himself trying to deflect his C O P E at a fellow boomer
Robert Price
Hey, where do you think you are going boomer thread
Samuel Perry
that 0 foot boomer
Camden Mitchell
Brandon Murphy
There's a disturbing theory that gender roles are reversing explaining the bugman, incel and beta male epidemic we currently face. The more successful and independent a women becomes the less she desires an alpha chad male as his traits are redundant in a modern society. Instead she'll want a guy who is submissive, a man-wife, while she assumes the role of the breadwinner. Manlets could have greater success with women since they are generally perceived as being weaker.
Dominic Miller
I think that counts as a disability
Julian Kelly
>t. roastie
your biology will force you to always get excited when Chad puts you into submission.
Jackson Reed
fuck lol
Ian Foster
>thinks stacy is gonna stop banging chad
Ian Flores
That would be everyone. He’d have to hide in a box.
Nathan Adams
Thats fucked up, really fucking with my already low self esteem.
Jacob Hill
>gotta play the hand god dealt you
>keep your head up fella
Thomas Torres
They will be bread out but will get stuck raising the kids
Isaac Stewart
Met a professional nascar driver and had a pic taken with him. All his stats online say hes 6', but I'm 6' and he was at least 3 inches shorter than me. I remember him looking mad the whole time.
Hunter Ramirez
Sometimes things are just shitty
Owen Cooper
Oh hey
I'll catch you later?
Hit me up *phone gesture to ear*
Owen Smith
lol take the online height of celebrities and knock down 2-4 inches for real height
Kevin Carter
great thread, but i have to add this sage plus some report
Andrew Wilson
not short idiot
Jackson Price
Just finish the rep lmao
Ethan Reyes
Agree, that picture is priceless. It should hang in the finest of art galleries worldwide.
Carter Howard
lmao what
Jayden Rogers
I appreciate it fella
Jonathan Phillips
this is weird I'm 5'6" and my boyfriend says I'm tall
Bentley Walker
damn how short is your boyfriend that 5'6 is tall?
>or this is boomer cope?
Justin Myers
He is 5'10"
both of us are tall
Carson Jackson
he could be one of those freaky boomers that gained extra height in his late 20s, early 30s.