I can't take it anymore, make it stop
I can't take it anymore, make it stop
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I don't see any purple yet
whitebois are not native to Australia
go back to neanderthal lands
ok, now post in celsius
Don't you have AC?
how can antarctica be so close and we still get 45 degrees
don't get this stuff in canada
Why is NZ so comfy compared with Hellstralia?
yesterday was -16c
comfy af
the lowest it is going to be is 29
its going to be impossible to sleep.
get me off this shithole, any countries want an australian it student? i have a eu passport and am not afraid of freezing to death
>South Island of NZ gets 10-18 in the summer
It's almost 12pm in Melbourne but it's still quite cool.
Yes I am unemployed.
Australia is the prove first world countries can be incompent too, not only third world countries.
Australia has a massive desert. They could put in this desert a giant solar power plant.
Summer fucking sucks. We ethnic Europeans aren't supposed to live in tropical countries.
>hot weather
>outside is hot as fuck
>come home
>house is still hot as fuck
>cold weather
>cold as fuck outside
>come home
>warm and comfy
You are not white, you don't have money to pay AC so you basically live in a favela
Even we had those temperatures last summer, don't be a pussy Bruce.
You're an inbred britbong, and those belong to the cold lands in the British Isles. Leave the continent to the true owners, the Native Australians.
we have this weather for 4 months of the year
im celtic and an irish citizen, white people werent meant to live in this weather
Be quiet
so do we
Se mate, seu macaco. Todo fio relacionado com clima você vem falar de ar condicionado, seu preto. Eu vou carregar um AC nas costas quando eu sair na rua, seu sujo?
>July is the hottest month in Brussels with an average temperature of 64°F (18°C)
that is literally winter weather
Você é um macaco favelado. Se aceite.
Jow Forums has only bogans or ACs are expensive in Australia?
South East Queensland coming out on top once again
Nunca mais me quote, seu pagodeiro comedor de vatapá. Quem gosta de calor é macaco.
t. 19tth century data
we had a month of 30°+ last year
it has been in the 30's for the last few weeks so I couldnt go to sleep because I was too hot and uncomfortablel and sticky :(
Are all Australians and New Zealander posters white trash? Are you too poor to buy an AC?
Use AC fucktard
>no humidity
>nice breeze
Why are aussies such massive soyboys?
Air con is a lot of fucking money for a very slight upgrade from a fan and you also need a certain kind of house or its useless
why buy AC when you can just open a window?
Who /snow/ here?
I have my fan on but Im not going to leave it on all night while I sleep you silly sausage
There's already heaps. It just takes a while because of coal monopoly.
Are you korean
Fan at night is the best shit ever
Even when it's not that warm and then you can snuggle up anyway
how come the highest temps are in the south
not in the north or not even in the middle
Why not? It prevented me from going insane.
payback for aussie shitposting
What? You just put it in the window, use a wooden board to fill the area above and insulate with tape
Kek. Fan is on 24/7 here.
wrong, I live in a 120 year old house with 4 metre high ceilings, 250m2, no insulation at all
house stays at about 24C no matter how hot it gets, my last electricity bill for 3 months was $700 which isn't that bad with electricity prices being out of control
my hot water probably accounts for about the same as the AC
it will cost a lot of money
and what if something happened 2 the electricity and the fan blew up while I was asleep?
you wouldnt leave the oven on while you were asleep would yuo?
are you serious. how is it a very slight upgrade?
ac is actually cooling the temp down, so it is 40 outside but 20 inside. plus it dehumidifies humid air which adds comfort. a fan is just moving hot air and and making it feel a little cooler.
because we don't have a small moon of a health minister which all heat will gravitate to
>if something happened 2 the electricity and the fan blew up while I was asleep?
you sound like a grandma
Fans barely use any electricity at all.
>not using your health minister as a heat sink to save the elderly and the sick
so this entire thread is about adelaide specifically? other places seem not as hot. 25-30.
we'll see who's laughing when your electricity blows up
ahhhh, nothing like a nice cloudy sky and the temp a comfy 24C
Speak of the Devil. youtu.be
didn't Elon Musk deploy batteries in SA just for electricity use during heatwaves?
It has been raining for the past few days.
A nice break from the heat.
They've built the largest solar farm in the entire country in my area, one of the largest in the entire world.
Elon Musk isnt real
Your heatwaves last 1 o 2 weeks, our last for months, also, you have money, buy an AC and stop whining.
Does anyone know when it's meant to get cooler?
> you have money
apparently they don't. i don't know what kind of people post here but what they are saying is shocking
how is this even possible wtf
It's paying 10 grand so I can be at a comfortable temperature when I get up as well as when I'm sitting down
You'll probably use more by boiling the kettle once
I live on a house on stilts with floor boards and basically no insulation
At least you don't have humidity
>live in desert
>live in rainforest
>"wtf it's so hot???!"
bet you idiots would complain about -40° in you went to nunavut in january
That was basically my life in Arizona. You surprisingly get used to it.
The planet axis in the summer configuration for us and winter for the north, mate. Besides, you live in a low elevation zone? How many moutain ranges has Australia?
I thought Brazil would have comparable temperatures?
>His house isn't built on stilts
>His house doesn't have a breeze way
>His hallway doesn't run from the back door to the front
>His house doesn't have flyscreen doors and windows
>He actually uses AC in his glorified chink oven of a house
Modern urbanites will never know the feeling of a real Australian house.
Australia is the lowest continent in the world with an average elevation of only 330 metres. The highest points on the other continents are all more than twice the height of Australia's highest peak, Mount Kosciuszko which is 2228 metres above sea level. The world's highest mountain, Mount Everest is 8848 metres above sea level, almost four times the height of Mount Kosciuszko.
Elevation is a great part of the climate. South America is right between tropics, but Bolivia and PEru are really cold because of the mountains of the Andes.
You live in a Queenslander?
doing it right
>tfw house is old, lacks insulation, and has tons of incoherent addons
who else /cooking/ here. I just want it to fucking end.
So excited to finish work at midnight and it still be fucking 36 degrees.
How are australian houses? Brazilian construct everything from ceramic brics, specially the roof because it is heat insulating, but cheap. Some houses at the south are made of wood, and have asbestos roofs that are unbereable at the summer.
Tin roof, above the ground because it gets hot and usually a verandah all around. My house is pretty much identical to this but a storey above ground since it's on a hill.
We have way more elevation zones than you. Our south and Southeast actually have a lot of mountains. The lowest places are the savanna and Amazon
Certainly not "most" houses
The tin is reflexive?
The coldest city in New Zealand has average highs of 17.5 to 18.7 in the summer and average lows of 1 to 2.2 in winter. We may not be Australia-tier, but we are still warm. I don't mind our warm summers, but I hate our mild, snowless winters. I wish we had winters with negative double digits.
Seems like the confiest temperature ever. I hate 30 degres and above temperature all year marked by ocasional rain.
My fellow countrymen acting like air conditioners costs tens of thousands
Anybody that doesn't spend all their money on meth can afford one in this country
Invercargill's summers are comfy, except for heatwaves, but their winters are trash. No snow and no negative double digit temperatures.
I expected this to be basic commodity in a place like this. Besides Australia is the only tropical developed country. Besides Singapore.
Believe me, brazilians travel to see 0.5 cm of snow. They are fascinated with winter but never seem one really harsh.
go to queenstown if you want snow mate
every single house used pier foundations before they switched to concrete slabs instead which was probably the 70's or 80's
I'm poor, so travelling isn't economical for me, unless I got work there.
We'll make it one day bro.
About 40% of our population live in Syd/Melb and *most* of the houses I've seen there use roof tiles. Quite a few modern houses use colourbond roofing but that's not necessarily going to make up the majority of households in Australia.
It is
Idk what these cunts are talking about
I wam sweating as fuck. Third shower in the day. No rain this summer.
>toasty 30 degrees
comfy as lads
might go in the pool
Campaign for environmentally concious policies
who comfy
Go back to the UK, perfect weather for your people
shut up you lower class yobbo
I don't even think the warmest places in Brazil get that hot, maybe very very rarely
Personally I've never experienced anything over 38ºC
>1/3 of bat die
>mass death of wild horses
>40-50 degrees every day
hope u like things toasty
That humidity tho