ITT : Femanons of Jow Forums
Teeheehe where r my sisters??
ITT : Femanons of Jow Forums
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don't hit on me silly bois uwu
It's too hot here
Can't sleep
it's time to rape
herro~ my ferrow girls ~ uwu how's gowin today ~ owo
I waste so much of my time here but I don't know how to quit and I don't feel well.
>This is boy-free zone
You mean a heterosexual-free zone, right, faggot?
No, you'll never be a woman, transsexual faggot.
>those boys
g-get out of here, you are ruining my thread....
i would suck your male benis if you its cute and you are hot
Why are you stuttering, huh?
because she is cute
All women have speech impediments.
because we are dominating the thread and females can't help but be turned on by male dominance
Post feet
Do you mind? We really don't need your mansplaining right now.
could easily beat up any female in this thread with my manly muscles
please go away m*noid, this thread is for us girls!
Hi girls, can we hate men together?
I don't hate men at all, I just wish they wouldn't limit their perspectives so much.
I-I always want to make a /fem/ general thread for us ladies to hang out...But I'm scared anons would think we're guys pretending to be girls
women are retards and IQ 10 at max.
>But I'm scared anons would think we're guys pretending to be girls
a girl wouldn't say this btw
In what way? Unironically curious
Assuming we're discussing gender here (that was what I was talking about), the very basic and limited ways in which they see women. But it's pointless to even bother discussing this here.
>the very basic and limited ways in which they see women
In general people are very basic and limited, what's your point?
I don't accept gender, so I'd prefer an answer from an actual girl (female) without gender dysphoria
But yeah, you meant when they look at girls, true
Post legs for verifying sisters!
means nothing without a time stamp
I actually wasn't talking about tranny stuff, I suppose I used it interchangeably with "sex", whatever.
disgusting freak
Pathetic incel virgins
Join my group on telegram nuna