I'm never eating onions again their taste is still in my mouth hours later

I'm never eating onions again their taste is still in my mouth hours later

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I feel the same way about sucking dick

Same thing with cum

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It's ok Hans, you're allowed to say you love drinking jizz

I like onions


Cum doesn't stick in the mouth, it sticks in the throat. Not even comparable to onions.

The taste remains in the mouth, though. It isn't about where it "sticks".

Raw onions are great for health.
Garlic too.
Do not let aesthetics come before your health.

Eat jalapenos or some other really spicy pepper, it will eliminate the taste

>wh*Te ''''''''cuisine'''''''

>just made myself liver and onions with pasta

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My armpits usually smell like onion or garlic

eat onions
fingers smell for days
sweat smells like onions
onions not even once

Op, do you know a tech called toothbrush and another high tech thing called toothpaste? People usually make use of it after eating something.

Do I also brush my armpits and fingertips?

W-were you sticking onions in your armpits?

No, but my armpits and fingertips also smell like onions after I eat them

I am fairly sure that is not normal.

Actually armpit and fingertip sweat is high in protein resulting in that odor, it is only amplified when eating onions

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No, you have use soap with water on your hand and armpit, and deodorant on your armpit.
Don't worry, It got some time for me to understand how to use those kind of technologies, but nowadays I almost understand perfectly how it works, and I pretty much never end up messing up and using soap and on my mouth nowm
I don't have knowledge to explain it to you any further than that, but i guess you can find some pro tutorials on the deep web.

Okay but after I do that the smell remains?

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You're not supposed to eat them raw you dingbat.

Based, we need more people to rise up against onions so takeaways and restaurants know to stop using them

Cook the onions before you eat them or eat something with oils or fat (like salmon). That negates some of the acid and you won't smell that bad.

zoomer generation is trash, genocide when

>cut onions
>it smells like onion under my fingernails for days

I could take a bite into a raw onion like an apple, you are all pathetic faggots that throw a tantrum when served anything but oven tendies and fries

>he doesnt like onions

What is wrong with you?

Enjoy your food tasting shit. Onions are a foundation of cooking.

The fuck is wrong with you people onions dont smell like anything really. They just taste sweet and a little spicy. Are you talking about garlic?

t. Jungfrau mit 30

Onions belong in every good meal.

I actually ate a raw onion once when I was 14 I don't remember why I did it tho.

Because they taste good? You dont have to take a whole bite out of one but slice them and the segments make for a decent snack.

>cook caramelized onions to go with my steak
>make the mistake of having my hand hover over the pan
>fingers smell like onions for 2 weeks no matter how hard you rub and brush your hands

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what a surprise little princess got onions fingers, how can he shove it up his own ass while sucking dick, poor baby

What is wrong with 3rd world people lads?

wash with conc. H2SO4 and conc. anhydrous HNO2