Wealthy EU countries have been pumping billions and billions into countries like Poland and Hungary for years trying to improve their economy, granting them access to our market and its benefits while they don't give anything back. Now they're doing (a bit) better and they act completely smug and laugh in our face when the sandniggers are storming into our countries and also completely turning against the EU who helped them so much.
Wealthy EU countries have been pumping billions and billions into countries like Poland and Hungary for years trying to...
they are completely dependent on you though whats wrong about it again?
They seem to have no problem being kicked out and becoming Africa-tier again. I guess their population is so dumb they can be easily manipulated to think EU is just a big evil bully ignoring what it has done for them financially. Just like the UK, they want the benefits without the responsibilities.
they have no problem right now but once they are actually kicked out they ll have huge problems in couple of years. they are dependent on you completely, they can act all smug but puppet master is still Germany.
he who laughs last laughs best.
It would be funny to watch Poles starve after chimping out for so long
The Aryan man should no longer bend over for the slavshit
>while they don't give anything back.
The lower class wages in your country are being depressed by a cheap source of labor (them), which hypothetically should make that range of products/services cheaper for everyone.
That's the excuse the USA uses for the endless flood of illegal Mexicans and other sudacas. Seems like an excuse more than the reality.
>and they act completely smug and laugh in our face when the sandniggers are storming into our countries
Two separate problems. Sandniggers should have never been let in.
>Just like the UK, they want the benefits without the responsibilities.
Like having an EU-wide monetary policy but not an EU-wide fiscal policy in order to keep Italy/Greece/Spain competitive?
Oh wait, that's Germany reaping benefits without any responsibility.
You invited the sandniggers you dumb fuck. We rushed to build a fence and we got EU politicians scolding us for stopping muh women and children
EU needs access to russia, and vice versa, now STFU and spread you ass cheeks. kike
Bulgarians are sand people though.
They're a source of labor, a emerging market, a powerful ally against China.
Same with us and Japan, we're a source of labor, an emerging market and an ally against China and they keep giving us billions in exchange for all that and denying the Comfort Women exist
lel, germany is our greatest ally and your non country non opinion doesnt matter
>assembles mercedes
now fuck off dumb frog
But that's the point of the EU. To help weaker economies become stronger so in a few decades they can start helping other economies, etc.
>Agree to certain terms
>A time comes when those terms have to be met
The financial benefits came with some obligations from the start and one of those was that everyone did their part when it came to the rapefugees
what me be anti Chinese? hahaha you got that wrong
I literally prey every night that China destroys both USA and EU.
Poland acting smug about sandniggers is such a massive self-own, it's hilarious.
Sandniggers don't go to Poland because they know Poland isn't rich enough to support it's own citizens, let alone a bunch of rent-seeking migrants, so they go to England and Sweden and Germany.
It's like the owner of a run-down, rat-infestested motel acting smug at the owner of the local nicest hotel in town because there are a bunch of beggars that keep setting themselves up outside the nice hotel. The fact that the beggars come to the nice hotel and not the shitty motel has nothing to do with the motel owner somehow "keeping them away" and everything to do with the fact that the guests at the motel aren't rich enough to be worth begging from.
Oh, that was a typo.
I meant an ally against Russia
>But that's the point of the EU.
Nah, the point of the EU is to stop France and Germany from killing tens of millions in world wars. So far it has worked, and I appreciate it for that
All this other advanced and incoherent nonsense piled on top only serves to undermine the core purpose, assuming you guys do it wrong. It doesn't seem very stable.
and we did our part honoring the Dublin agreements by erecting a fence and protecting the EU borders from illegal tresspassers, are you brown by any chance? ofcourse you are butthurt muhammad
Poland is big enough to be a relevant player and can create industry that is beneficial for other countries without being dependent such that even in a collapse of the EU, they would maintain economic relevance. You are right about the smaller countries though, their entire economies are based on trading with benefits within the Eurozone and any economic instability would destroy them.
please don't post your american opinion in my thread again
We gave you open access to our markets in return, that was a good deal
Now shut up and give your tax money to unemployed Ahmed and his 12 children, Mr. Muslim Lover
But seriously, what the hell are we supposed to do? Those people don't even want to live here.
Secondly, it's not that the help is not beneficial to you. In fact, you profit immensely from our economies strengthening.
Thirdly, you were yourselves lifted out of ruins by America's Marshall plan and somehow I do not see you helping Americans in any way, let alone in their migration problems.
I'm white and I don't want any refugees in Europe it just makes me mad when subhuman 90 IQ slavs don't realize how much EU helped their african tier economies
Yes and how did they get to that point? Because of EU help, also their economies are still shit and they have a long way to go
Guess we're loved in Norway then
Don't you get it? You are the same as sand people, low IQ, violent, brown, hairy, can't run a society, high crime
You are subhumans and you are nothing without white western europeans
Next time look up the history of your own institution. The EU is borne of the EEC, which is borne of the ECSC, the European Coal and Steel Community. This organization was created to stop France and Germany from going full retard.
That's the only thing that matters at this point in time. The rest is gravy, so long as the gravy doesn't undermine this initial design.
shitskin, silence is your name
>slavs don't realize how much EU helped their african tier economies
And what makes you think so? A bunch of edgy teenagers said so on an anime imageboard. Poles deeply appreciate the EU.
It's obviously way more of an economic thing now, there's nukes and huge economies to protect. Stop parotting fox new pls
I'm 10 times whiter than you shitskin brown arab
im blond, blue eyed and white as snow, you are a gypoid shitskin LARPing as european because your beloved 25 brothers of allahu akbar cant join you in your filthy ghetto
There are HUGE anti-EU protests in Poland (also in Hungary)
>google bulgarian people
>literal arabs show up
>also their economies are still shit and they have a long way to go
and what did you retards thinks was going to happen making a corrupt communist shithole like poland parts of your shitt shoah of a ünion"....yous maybe thought you were taping into something good, YOU DESERVE TO GET FUCKED OVER!
I just regret ukr*ine didnt get a piece of the EU cake, they give you yuropussies something to really whine about.
>somehow I do not see you helping Americans in any way
Westerners, especially France and UK, followed the US into destroying the middle east for Israeli interest and oil.
Having Western Europe in their sphere of influence in the cold war helped them massively, they didn't do it because of their kind hearts.
>let alone in their migration problems.
Atlantic Ocean.
>Stop parotting fox new pls
Nah I'm parotting my own university degree. It's no longer 2003, you can stop using "lol fox" and "lol bush."
>It's obviously way more of an economic thing now,
Which is gravy. If your economic system is not structurally sound (which it isn't), it creates a situation in which Germany and France might shit up the world again. This is the core of my argument. The EU's integrity should be arranged around that, not "boo hoo we invest in Eastern Europe but the investments didn't pay off." Use capitalism for that, fuck's sake.
So long as the EU has a monetary policy but not a fiscal policy, you are endangering the world with your negligence.
>be shitskin
>cant read
go back to your shithole
It doesn't matter how they got their. Anyone with that big of a population is a relevant factor in an economics system. They will never be Germany of course, but they can and will build an economic that you must consider.
I don't mind Bulgarians at all, but if you think enough thinks Bulgaria when they think Europe you are delusional. And if you think you have any kind of relevancy when discussing these problems you are even more delusional. You have none of the problems that face 'us' precisely because you are not 'us'.
There was never a huge protest in Poland directed against the EU. There were nationalist marches on many issues, but even if 50k people participated that's still a neglible fraction of a 38+ million nation. All polls show than support for the EU in Poland oscillates between 66 and 80%.
Our relevance comes from the fact that we tried building a fence to stop the durqas and we were reprimanded by faggot tolerant Europeans like yourself. And then when the durqas started causing trouble it's our fault again somehow
>Having Western Europe in their sphere of influence in the cold war helped them massively
Nah it didn't, it was the humane option.
General Patton wanted to nuke Moscow and invade Russia immediately after Nazi Germany was defeated. "Western Europe in US sphere of influence" wouldn't have mattered shit if Russia were glassed like it deserved.
Unfortunately for us, a German communist sympathizer smuggled out nuclear secrets from the UK & USA to the USSR, which lead to the development of their atomic bomb... and then the entire half a century of mutually assured destruction and proxy wars. History sure is fucking fun right?
t. Fariq Nusra from Molenbeek
This remind me that years ago when I was doing Erasmus, some French students verbally attacked my Czech friends for being evil ans racist towards their Gypsy minority. Then Gypsies actually showed up in France.
No, you are not even relevant from this point of view. Bulgaria is not even part of any of the big migration routes to Europe. Building a fence around your country is nothing but a show to appease populist sentiments and puffing your chest. It's seen as retarded to involve yourself in something you are irrelevant in, that's why EU reacts.
This means you are not smart enough. I hope we'll join the EU and you will help us too.
Scratch him a bit and an actual Nazi shows up.
how much of a fucking 1984 tier brainwashed psycho do you have to be to think you are also the good guys but nuking your ally is the ethical thing to do
Honestly, at this point the Western Nations have lost to the brown shitskin horde. I'd rather have the rapefugees cluster together with their inbred "integrated" cousins like OP than them spreading to other countries and start breeding like rabbits, all to start the same process over again.
It always starts with a few, until the body has been taken over like cancer. Chemotherapy is the only way.
>talks about humanity
>goes on about nuking civilians
The German communist sympathizer did good by stopping the absolute negrification of Europe.
Exactly, because we built a fence. Otherwise all the millions of rapefugees in Turkey would have tried to go through here to Serbia, it's the shortest way. I guess you wouldn't want them stopped, being so tolerant and all, but don't worry I'm sure they found their way to Norway eventually
Do you have reading comprehension problems? I said the Western European sphere was the humane solution.
Jesus fucking christ Canada, go back to China if you don't know your own native language.
>Nah it didn't, it was the humane option.
>General Patton wanted to nuke Moscow and invade Russia immediately after Nazi Germany was defeated. "Western Europe in US sphere of influence" wouldn't have mattered shit if Russia were glassed like it deserved.
this I agree with entirely...too bad nuclear weapons dont exist though, or shit would have already hit the fan during cuban missile crisis.
they built their fence first thats why the fugees had to swim from turkey to greece
>a German communist sympathizer smuggled out nuclear secrets from the UK & USA to the USSR, which lead to the development of their atomic bomb...
>Wealthy EU countries have been pumping billions and billions into countries like Poland and Hungary for years trying to improve their economy
They voted to do so. In a way, it was to bribe them into joining the EU.
>granting them access to our market and its benefits
Free trade is a two-way street. The 'reward' for free trade is... free trade. Simple as that.
>while they don't give anything back
Explain to me exactly how any of the above entitles Western Europe to something from Eastern Europe.
>Now they're doing (a bit) better and they act completely smug and laugh in our face when the sandniggers are storming into our countries and also completely turning against the EU who helped them so much.
I know that to a Belgian, someone who lives in a fake country without an identity, this may be entirely mindboggling but regimes based on popular sovereignity have responsibilities towards their nation first and foremost. Not foreign nations.
>its another western eurocuck crying about giving money to eastern europe episode and doing nothing about it episode
long live poland
Plus slavs cause crime in uk...wierd assholes they are.bigger ingrates then refugees
>honoring the Dublin agreements by erecting a fence
I dobt think u read that right
>Westerners imported millions of shitskins to their countries and antagonized Eastern Europeans who were against it
>therefore it’s Eastern Europeans fault that West is filled with Muslims now
Every time
I’m glad your populations are being replaced, Muslims are more reasonable
Take ur meds
Hes saying eu done so much for ee and lifted u out of poverty and u dont listen to what eu wants u to do
Learn to read, Mateusz.
It's not about the refugees
more butthurt diasporas, vile creatures
Kys Western subhuman. You took more than you gave. I hope the Muslims destroy Belgium.
So if you help someone, you expect that person to do everything you ask them for later, even against their own interest? Interesting attitude, glad we are not as mentally ill as you
Why Western Europeans don’t do what USA tells them to do, they received a lot of aid from them
But we do, we are Americas bitch, everyone in NATO is.
>while they don't give anything back.
This is kindergarten level of understanding economics and relations between countries. Do pampered Westerners think EU funds are just "free money" that gets throw at countries while nothing else happens?
seething gypsy
Westerners are brainwashed and have superiority complex, that’s exactly what they think
>Caling your oldest ally a gypsy
t. Vienna Turk
thatd be you, subhuman
Poland fag here, everyone in here who's against being in European Union is borderline retarded
Some Hungarians have shit opinions and that pisses me off
No u, bazdmeg
westerners only understand the politics of bullet,blade and bomb.
if youre in the east and you dont own a firearm yet, you should feel like an endangered species.
I burned an EU flag at the bus stop with my 10w laser a couple days ago.
fuck you and fuck your EU
Enjoy living in a white negros of Europe cesspool then
I agree, the thing is, westerners think that it’s only them who have the right to rule, and that East is supposed to serve.
We need to stand up for our interests and not allow them to treat us as vassals.
I can’t wait for this May’s elections and inevitable rebalance of power.
cool story semite
I bet you never had a gf.
can wealthy EU countries please pump billions and billions into New Zealand?
thank you
here's my license plates, I also burned away the EU flag on my drivers license.
I refuse to represent this disgusting kike and commie flag on my persona
>EU is a charity organisation
When will this meme end? Poland's entry into EU gave more profits to westerners than us, as it allowed their companies to freely operate on Polish market. Poland recieves from EU dotations a fraction of sum that leaves Poland via import
lel, dumb bydlo
Now I'm sure you never had a gf.
>"Waaaah! We hate getting all these factory jobs! Woe is us!"
kys your own self.
you can kiss my ass, kikeboy
in COMECON we all had jobs so whats your point
peddle your satanic honeypot whorec to someone else, Im no fool.
By now you should assume it's some non-European posting under a Western flag by default unless proven otherwise.
No good act goes unpunished.
me on the left
>to the edge of the cliff
>EU forces us to use tariffs this means our industry
>Western bought everything piss cheap
>Our agriculture was shut down by the EU
>EU has taken away 1 million able bodied workers
>EU earns more profit than it gives us
>We are forced to work as slaves in their car factories
holy shit this is the same thing they did here, there is clearly a plan to undermine both polands and hungary's economy.
Except you didn't, mentally ill nostalgiafag. And when you did, they were badly paid and you couldn't even buy a small item such as a comb anywhere, especially in the 80s
The working conditions are better than anything you had under communism
>wahhhh stop giving our poor and uneducated population jobs
yeah but i could buy your sister for $20 lmao
>>EU has taken away 1 million able bodied workers
Yeah, that's what happened, EU covert operatives kidnapped them all from their beds at night.