I wish Japan become multiculti country like USA

I wish Japan become multiculti country like USA.
White, Black, Red, Brown, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Blue and Green people live together.
Seeing Colorful people looks fun.

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You have to go back

ok david

incels not welcome

don't worry brother it's already happenign

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hello GI joe
enjoying your base life?

this really reminds me of resident evil

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careful what you wish for

wow it's international!!

Japan is changing to international!!

neighbors are black people like USA!



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We've already become so

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I wish you kill yourself david

So why are you here?

how do I get a green gf?

I'm coming hiro

You have to become green too

What will happen is millions of Chinese and Filipino will absorb your demographics.

Your nose is showing

People live together but they ignore each other.

>Seeing Colorful people looks fun.
Yep its fun to see them. Living with them is not so fun

please no ignore.
live fun together please.

multiculti failed?

when I go out, people are same color every where.

yellow face and black hair..

no white face and blonde hair.
no black face and afro hair.
no red face and mohawk hair.
no brown face and tarban.

it's boring.

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Fuck off Dave

I'm not Dave!!!
I'm not even David!!!

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Baka gaijin go home!
I like Russia now.

Do the yellow people leave trash everywhere, make your neighborhood dangerous, and commit lots of crimes? That's what it is like in a multicultural neighborhood

A random black guy said 'hey how are you' to me on the way to work

Made me happy

Yes it is
I live in LA and love it here honestly
even the shithole parts

The city has its problems but multiculturism isn't really one of them. LA is far from perfect, but I would rather choose to live in a city like LA than a city that has triple the white people like Portland

This city is far more interesting, way more shit is going on, the ethnic enclaves are exciting to explore, and I have NEVER experienced explicit racism. Literally every interaction I've had with a black, Mexican, and Asian person has been a positive one unironically

my neighborhood is so kind.
no big sound, no car horn, only birds singing.

Same in london
I often go to random enclaves to explore nothing has happened to me. Even in no go areas

d,d,dat's good multiculti random happening.
I wanna that's little happy.

Conservatives need to stop thinking the whole world is persecuting them

The world is safer now than it has ever been
Violent crime is lower than it has ever been
Crime in general is lower than it has ever been

it's during times like these that bitches come out to whine

those bitches are conservatives that think they are hard motherfuckers or something

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The US was much safer in the 50s. I know that really bothers you, but it's a simple fact.

Crime is one thing, but it's not really the main thing that gives people a somewhat anxious feeling about immigration. I live in a fairly immigrant heavy area of Oslo and I have never been scared of anything bad happening to me. Still, I don't like seeing a bunch of fat African women living in their own little bubble of society and such. It's not racism at all, I don't care about race beyond some superficial preference but I don't want to see this. There needs to be an order in place that defines Western behavior as superior, it should be shameful not to assimilate into Western behavior.

This a porno?

You didn't do so well in school huh

no porno.

you have a lot of tourists

Shut up Nobita-KUN! We know that you are resentful towards Japanese people and Japanese women because they do not accept you due to your VERY VERY UGLY face! That is no reason to betray your nation!

kys asap, David

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STFU Sven.
I have very good-looking face!!

Your David-kun never die.
David-kun is diehard.

what about your body? do you have pictures?

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I'll pass

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nah, the OP is a baka gaijin in japan
real japanese hate immigrants

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ok davido

but I'm kim

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