Italians have always copied good inventions from other cultures and made them exceptional, Beretta took Walther's designs and made them sexy They discovered noodles from China, removed the dog, and created pasta. They stole the idea of arches from the Etruscans and built colleseums and aqueducts. They took the Gladius from the celt-iberians and conquered the world with it They learned about sex from the Greeks and realized you could also have it with women.
Italians have always copied good inventions from other cultures and made them exceptional...
yes, fuck you italians, how do you dare COPY another country, can't you have your own culture ? :)
Open your mouth i need to cum.
nice shitpost, have a (OP)
Romans took all their philosophy and gods and alphabet from the Greeks, there is not a single thing Romans came up with themselves.
They are a joke of a nation and were of course easily destroyed by superior Germanics when we actually bothered to invade their shithole country.
Theoderic was the best ruler Italy had ever had and the reason for the downfall of their society is that at some point Italians came to power again
wow thiefs
wow, this chilean (?) is so in contact with his european roots he now has opinions about countries
True. They're the China of Europe.
Romans made important contributions to political science, invented civil law and were fierce conquerors. Italians aren't Romans though, so this isn't an argument in their favour.
>italian arent romans tho
Well, yeah, rome is only a city. It'd be like saying french are not parisien.
oh really ? you guys are retards,everyone here has a culture involved by an ancient empire , and honestly i don't give a fuck if we have a culture or not ,we are supposed to colonize other planet faggots
Also your best leader, the one who actually managed to conquer us, was literally an ethnic italian.
Etruscans are Italians,
i want to live in bolognese planet with its parmigiano satelitte.
this. Corsica and sardinia belong to switzerland.
Nice trips
oho you are a really funny one
d-don't be so mad i like italy for real
That's more, that guy Amerigo copied his name from America!
Nigger if you think all italians are either romans or arabs i suggest you look at this map
what's your problem with Italy, they are great, man. Consider the Renaissance and people like Da Vinci, Maquiavelli, Raffaelo, Michelangelo, Copernicus, Ezio Auditore, to name a few. They've made great contributions to humanity throughout history.
>ezio auditore
Copernicus was literally Polish
Also, didn't Greeks literally steal their alphabet from Phoenicians?
My bad, I'm sorry.
They were descended from Villanovan people who came from Central Europe.
Anyways, regardless of where they came from, they were still Italians. They lived in Italy for so long, and likely mixed with other Italics.
Italy had Romans (Italic), Samnites (Italic), Sabines (Italic), other Latins (Italic), Oscans (Italic), Etruscans (may or may not be Italic), Greeks in Southern Italy, Gauls in Northern Italy etc..
>tfw half messapic half picen
they didnt you african shitskin
>They learned about sex from the Greeks and realized you could also have it with women.
Reminder, Rome was an irrelevant backwater until Etruscans arrived in their city. Etruscans introduced them to drainage system, alphabet (Etriscans themselves borrowed it from Greeks), gladiator games, new religion, advanced architecture etc.
Even the name Rome could be Etruscan ( Ruma).
>They stole
that doesnt make them turks though. turks came much much later. actually it fits with part of the roman origin myth since they claimed decendance from people that fleed troy after its destruction.
Come get it then you pussy
reminder that Greeks literally created everything
>They learned about sex from the Greeks and realized you could also have it with women.
thats wrong though the greeks were the fags in ancient times. it even was an euphemism for gays in the roman empire for a while.
romans had a thing for boys though, not men. the roman author ovid who wrote a book about love and getting laid criticised the practice in his book since only one of the partners felt good doing it.
>Come get it then you pussy
Now I do not want it anymore!
Based iki
I am Greek