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Mexico should be embarrassed I mean really

spain didn't choose yet

if your country is red you live in a shithole

they're just siding with their people

They are currently being ruled by the Foro de São Paulo, not surprising.

How come only based countries support president Maduro?

Can anyone explain to me what's happening in Venezuela? I know that they are socialists and in quite a shit situation but what happened now?

America is trying appoint president for them via twitter.

Opposition leader says “I am the president now fuck Maduro”
Trump says “He is the president now fuck Maduro”
US puppets say “He is the president now fuck Maduro”
Tinpot dictatorships and wannabe superpowers say “Maduro is the president still)))))”

The head of parliament says he is the president until they have new elections. Different countries disagree on which president is more legitimate.

Some guy declared himself the new president and Trump immediatly recognized him as the legittimate ruler of Venezuela, now other countries are jumping on the bandwagoon

> blue Spain
Our Prez is still waiting for the official EU decision, if there is one. Guaidó tweeted that he got his support on the phone, but there's no official declaration.

Maduro won the election again, and inflation reached 1000000% and people are hungry, so they want him out.



Mexico ketp the neutral position, there constitution prohibits them to make any interventionist action, even if it's for a "good cause".

The Maduro dictatorship like government is crumble and the president of the Parliament auto proclamed him the President of Venezuela.

B&R, we're gonna be blue soon though.

>what gives more votes? Siding with Putin or siding against socialists?

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Europe supports opposition based

is the opposition also socialist?

Why Central America always such a mess?

Twitter banter is Trump's specialty.

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Wow that surely makes up for the fact he lost the trade war #epicstyle

"won the election"

Retarded people voted for commie president

You forgot the part where a lot of people didn't even manage to vote(or weren't allowed to).

Sorry muppet we dab now with the cool guys
And here is the cuck

Look at all the seething kikes, amerigoys and their cocksucking bitchboys.


And why do people even bring up "MUH COMMIES". Opposition is also socialists, only the cucked libshit version.
This is about being american dogs or standing up to them.

>cool guys

yeah right

Lmaoing at assblasted Russians that their crony is getting ousted and they can't do shit

But they are and pretty cultured aswell not like your daddy america my muppet friendo.

And if it's blue, you're either America or a cucksucker rooting for the NWO.

>le 56 degree face

I don't give a shit who they like or don't, there's people in Venezuela starving and Maduro doesn't give a shit.

>Mexico should be embarrassed for not pledging to our gringo masters that have invaded us so many times and yet they want to kill more people, all this just because daddy trump needs to regain popularity after the fiasco that was the shut down

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You do know the constitution calls for him to be president in the case a presidential election is void, right? This isn’t some random appointment.

i can smell another crack epidemic in the US

the opposition needs money, and the govt won't give them any now with the shutdown and everything

what are you talking about? what culture has to do with heartless dictatorships?

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>tfw your government knows Maduro a shit but they are too scared to take a stance because m-muh socialism

Shameful. All ideologues should burn, marx worshipping trash

why are 4channers such empathetic pro-plebs instead of taking the NWO pill and seeing normies as nothing more than npcs to be milked and exploited

And what makes the election void? The opposition literally asked the UN not to send specialists to oversee the election because they knew it wouldn’t be rigged.

At least your lefties are only like that in their discourse but they dare not actually trash Uruguay and mostly follow orthodox economic policies.

Except half the opposition is imprisoned by the government, retard. They don't have to rig the process when there is nothing people can do against them.

>what is human empathy

Based! Fuck weterners and their (((masters)))

what do you care about people you'll never meet

don't you have enough problems of your own?

Maduro is a dick but didn't he win the democratic election? What's the claim for this Guaidó character, other than that Maduro is ideologically inconvenient?

They’re simply remaining neutral. Acknowledging the new guy as president is not the neutral position.

Yeah though some of their measures have been very incompetent especially in education and security.

Basically whenever there is an issue that is strongly related to uruguayan leftism, which is mostly wealth redistribution and strong anti-war sentiment and opposition to violence, the government chimps out and shuts their ears to obvious solutions because they can't afford to lose their virtue signaling marxopoints.

Actually nvm, the welfare system isn't even the worst part of the economic reforms, it's the incredible power that the unions have which lets them paralyze the country whenever they feel like it.

the only redpilled countries are grey

>all those West-African shitholes
Yeah so redpilled
They’re grey because they’re irrelevant. The only relevant ones that haven’t picked a side are Australia and Japan.

"They knew it wouldn't be rigged". Are you stupid?

The elections have been rigged from 2013, even the company who owns thee machines and software through which people vote recognized that there were big "irregularities" throughout every elections.

They were illegitimate because about 80% of the electoral population refused to vote. They were void because there were no overseers during the elections (i.e. weren't allowed). They were void because, not even Chavez at his peak managed to get 8 million votes, yet, with an overall popularity of ~10% or less, maduro managed to get almost eight million, more than Chavez on all of his "elections".
They were void, and he's illegitimate because he was sworn by an illegitimate Justice court appointed by an illegitimate Congress (Constituent National Assembly).

"Rapid collapse of society" country modifier

>I dont like the way how this democratically elected president is runming his country so let me just set up a non democratic shadpow puppet and start a proxy war

Oh say can you see

6 billion shekels from his holiness pooptin - gone
dictators of the world unite to defend maduro

don't ever reply to a single one of my posts ever again retard

national crisis has reached it peak after 21 years of failed socialism, people is hungry and tired of world high inflation eating out their earnings so the president of the parliament enacted the article 233 of the constitution to take over power temporally and call for new and fair elections with an actually unbiased electoral council, maduro did not win the recent elections, he didn't even win the election against Capriles back in 2013, that one was also adulterated and sabotaged by his personal mafia, now every rational country is siding with the new guy destroying the little legitimacy maduro had left
of course commies are buttmad about it

hello fren, hope you may be free without bloodshed. good luck

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it's like socialism has ever worked and never ends up in poverty, death and overall total collapse

>Jail opposition
>Get "democratically" elected because there are no other candidates

Te violo un gringo de chico o que chingados.

Careful with that amount soy.

Im tired of US and Russia having these gay proxy wars can they just nuke eachother already

i too, would like to live on $2 a month in a based and redpilled socialistic paradise


this is a paid ngo shill that spreads propaganda in /balk/ too

reminds me of a similar case from a very based and redpilled country that also has a democratically elected manlet dictator

>I don't understand the concept of history so I'm gonna post an edgy replay (oh lord, I'm so badass on the internets)

Maduro supporters are either evil or ignorant. Even the leftists here support Guaidó.

Maduro needs to be executed. Venezuela needs a Pinochet and a hard right state.

based venebro
espero poder volver a la madre patria en los próximos 5 años, espero todos nuestros hermanos hagan lo mismo para empezar a reconstruir nuestro pais

This, anyone that thinks this baboon Maduro is legitimate needs to just stop posting.

Lord Kek will tell us if right-wingers get btfo and based Bolivarian socialism spreads in South America and the rest of the world.

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but if no threats exist, the military-industrial complex and various agencies won't be able to get funding :(

it's of benefit to both superpowers to meme their populations into believing that there's a threat

that way they get milked and exploited

What does Russia have to do with this? You realise that nearly all wars or toppled governments in those last decades have been done by USA to spread democracy, right?

>imagine being a pooptinist apologist
>rasha innasint
>rasha dindu nuffins

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Fix your injun shithole memecountry fist, then talk about our political desitions, cunt.

Portugal called for peace, for the legitimacy of the national assembly to be respected, but also for the right of peaceful protest.

Tthere's a big Portuguese community in Venezuela and our concern is their safety

its easy to just spew CNN bullshit on a Taiwanese image board to reinforce your lefty bias and spread misinformation
only actual venezuelans know whats going over there

Except that one's like Georgian civil war, turmoils in central Asia and such. But I guess it's ok, because it's not the evil Unitedstatesians doing it.

A lot of Latin America is blue and it doesnt have anything to do with us or NWO. Its because they are most affected.

>the west is good
>slurp slurp
>gay, transgender and feminism!
>slurp soy
>rasha bad!

Mexico didn't supported any of the sides, our government just said "we hope you solve your shit, meanwhile we're not going to pick a side and keep our relations with you as normal"

no it's all a conspiracy
you guys wanna take over the universe with your fiberoptic cable taps by blackmailing leaders with their porn preferences
ur a nwo jooish shill and i'm based and redpilled. praise pooptin (pbuh (pooptin be upon him))

Oh shit the fuck up. You Turkish-rapebabies remind me of Analbanians. You pick up a fight with someone that seems weak, and when your little shit-filled brain realise that you actually picked up a fight with the wrong guy, you start crying like little bitches and victimise yourselves.

hello rasha
hello kazanboy

the elections were illegitimate since they weren't recognized by the US

hello my rashan frend
how are things

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do you still carry the pepper spray


The only ones bleeding are we, the people protesting, hundreds have already died. And that isn't even counting the thousands who have died due to starvation and many other conditions.

I'm skeptical about the eventual outcome of this situation. I sure hope we can solve this by ourselves

this is how it should be
why can't these subhumans just accept the NWO in their hearts

I'm not him lol.

actually yes
Memezuela is fucked up to the core

>hundreds have already died
>thousands who have died due to starvation
judeo-american psyop proxy