Why are Amerimutts such big classcucks?
Why are Amerimutts such big classcucks?
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There is zero (0) class consciousness in this country.
The fact that we use race and ethnicity as proxies for class is the source of all our problems.
Unironically this.
Kys commie. “Class consciousness” isn’t real and just a word only commies use
keep fighting for those tax breaks for 0.1%ers brave american
You realize that cash trickles down right? Employers with that new money are more likely to create new jobs and give better pay.
We arent that's a British thing but we do identify with subcultures/locations. Like "urban youths" are often poor but dont have to be there are a lot of people who identify with that subculture but come from wealthy families. Hell, my own father was upper middle class, joined the military and hung out with biker gangs in the 70s.
Yea that's why heaps of billionaires have been caught funneling money into tax heavens with the panama/paradise paper thing.
Apple has 200+ billions of USD in cash which they don't think it's worth to invest in anything since the economy is kinda fucked.
Those are the exceptions, not the standard
don't bother with these retards, they probably are anti-Israel and throw fits when PragerU obliterates their asshole
Honestly can’t agree more
My semen is gonna trickle down your throat joe.
Look at the list of people in the panama papers.
It's a pretty long list, and those were only the people that were caught.
According to (oxfam.org
That's to show you what the real societal problems are, and who's really fucking you in the ass. (tip: It's not a fictional caravan of elusive terrorists)
t. government bootlicker
ah yes, the miracle of neoliberal economics
>NeoLIBERAL is reflective of a conservative ideology
>if you're not a cuckservative you must be a liberal
absolute state of your brain
do you know what neoliberalism is?
Sounds like something the Democrats made with Bill Clinton, but I’ll be honest and say no
it's literally trickle down economics, that whole thing that maggie thatcher and reagan promoted
>Neoliberalism or neo-liberalism[1] is the 20th-century resurgence of 19th-century ideas associated with laissez-faire economic liberalism and free market capitalism.[2]:7[3] Those ideas include economic liberalization policies such as privatization, austerity, deregulation, free trade[4] and reductions in government spending in order to increase the role of the private sector in the economy and society.
desu this
I'm not a fucking mutt. Fuck you.
Reminder that the Counter Culture Movement was literally a CIA psyop to prevent legitimate communist sympathy in the youth of the time and that all the identity politics of recent years can be empirically correlated with the rise of the rise of the Occupy movement. The Democrats AND Republicans both came down against it and the media purposefully ignored blatant abuses by Riot Police. Every single time the capitalist system is legitimately criticized in the US the entire political system quickly and quietly crushes them.