What happens here?

What happens here?

Attached: Bornholm.png (1343x882, 356K)

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der unterd*ne

I don’t know. Some random ass Swedish island which is probably full of depressed people

bicycling vacations

haven't showered since christmas lads

no clue, didn't knew we had that island

Bornholm is Danish and the Danes are according to research n sheit the most happy people on the planet

Bornholm is danish but their danish almost sounds like scanian

>no clue, didn't knew we had that island
because we don't

Then why is Greenland the most suicidal place on earth if it’s part of Denmark?

it is and it isn't

Island Swedes

because greenland along with iceland and the faroes is norwegian clay temporarily stolen by denmark
don't @ me


spoken from land stolen from denmark

åh gode gud

So, Norwegian colonies are the most suicidal places on earth. That isn’t a good thing


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fakk bornholm, der er igge ynderligt! representera koeabenhaegen og Christania

Are there any oddities?
What do they do all day?

yeah nah except the hereditary kingdom of norway (872-1397) was a powerful regional force in its heyday, the mid-1200s
nobody had anything stolen from them except norway and norwegians

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all the young women move out of there since there are no niggers or arabs to get raped by there so sadly the population is aging fast and has nobody to replace them

They are Swedes who fell under the iron fist rule of the Dane a long time ago. They have been brainwashed into thinking they are Danes.

Makes sense. Everything shrinks on islands

Bornholm is hygge, you should visit

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funny, that's actually half your country in reverse

Are you from Bornholm?
The word you were looking for is gemütlich tho

just a stop on the way to Sweden

nice, rural life, everything is clean, like from a fairy tale

Been there on time in my life, the island have Denmark's largest waterfall.

Based. Bornholm is rightfull Swedish clay

No because we genocided the danes in Scania so they're actually real Swedes now. But reverse, because Scanians think that they are Danes. Funny how that works.

I think they also have Denmark's only hills

Hoe tall is it? Two meters?

Bornholm is rightful Scanian clay, we need independent Skåneland

Attached: Skånska_flaggan.svg.png (1242x1024, 6K)

Germans come here to see our coast line, they've never seen an ocean in their lives, must be like living in a cubicle

shut your whore mouth how's that for a skåneland

banning their language and books isn't a proper genocide

We have hills in mainland Denmark to.
Probably 20 meters, i dont think we have any waterfalls on the mainland.

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they do have that massive zeppelin hangar outfitted to be an ocean side resort

Skåne should be nuked


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The Danes who lived were either killed or exiled and the women were encouraged to marry and form families with Swedish settlers. That's why other Swedes consider Scanians self-hating Swedes.

I believe you. I am from the North Sea and I can tell you all Germans south of us suck bigly.
It brings grim joy into my heart that so many of these mountainniggers drawn and die in our Wadden Sea each year

making a post

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stop bullying Sami people

This isn't about them but rather about Scanians and their delusions of being something else other than the result of the arguably biggest historical forced marriage of Europe

Fun fact: an ancestor of mine led the peasant rebelion that forced the eternal swede out of the island (made them sell it back to denmark)

Secret planning going on in order to slurp that yummy gas

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I fucking knew it. You Scanian rascals shouldn't be allowed to post on Jow Forums without a special retard stamp added to your flag.

we tried to claim it or something idk

Bornholm is where the Burgundians migrated from

Bornholm unironically had a very important role during the cold war, as it is our most eastern point towards russia


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>Making yourself dependent on Russisn gas while beeing a Nato member and constantly shitting on Russia

Yeah, I dont see how this could backfire, and neither does Ukraine

just about the only island in the norse realm that norway doesn't have a connection to

What about Öland, Åland and Gotland?

yeah alright those too

I live there along with 40,000 other people.

Could have been the whitest place in Europe but a Turkish family moved here and ruined it all.

rightful Finish clay

Rightfull Swedish clay

Finns already own it and it causes massive butthurt among them because it's an island full of Swedes

Geats are the most based Nords

I like beowulf too

no actually that would be icelanders (norwegians)



Literally couldn't go more than a couple days without showering. It feels so good to have a nice hot shower, clean your hair out and maybe have a shave which is really nice cuz it washes the hair off for you. Showers are so nice :)

I like to steal that Island in EU4 when playing as Prussia

trolls, a weird dialect, and smoked fish.
it's known as the sunshine island, because it has slightly less rain than the rest of the danish isles.
a tipping rock is among its top tourist attractions

This pretty much. I've lived there most of my life.


future d*Nish reservation

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Shit hapens.

alright yeah i'm sure you're the expect here


I am actually. Been with both a Norwegian chick from Bergen and a Danish chick. Danish chick was better

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this is a trick, you were only ever with danish women

No I was with both of them (not together but separate)

its a very nice place. Its called the pearl of the baltic. Very strategically important and historical island.
The only part of Denmarks lost territories that actually fought to become a part of Denmark again, and they succeeded.
Their accent sounds like what i imagine Scanian would sound like if they remained part of Denmark.

This. They really hate us and getting it was basically a scam

scandinavian regionalism is top autism, unbelievable

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haha polandball epic memes, my fellow
shut up dog

in December 2010 that island had the most snow in northern Europe

The people of Åland petitioned to the King, stating that they wished to be reunited with Sweden. Sweden responded by secretly supplying them with weapons and training farmers. The farmers took it upon them selves to launch a surprise attack against the r*ssian military on the island, without running it by the Swedish officers first. The r*ssians were caught completely off guard and thought Sweden had come to kill them all like the good old days, so they surrendered with a white flag. The farmers didn't know what it meant so they kept firing until a Swede showed up and told them to stop. After this, everything was set for Åland to be reunited, but the newly formed Finland said that Åland was F*nnish clay. Sweden, which could easily enforce their claim to the islands, decided not to for the sake of the relationship with the western half of the Kingdom. Finland wasn't exactly in good shape after just fighting the war, but I'm guessing they weren't going to give up any land that they just bled for. They didn't bleed for Åland though.

what is this map about?

based keuruu

Webcomic where the entire world except Iceland and bits of Fennoscandia goes to shit

I've been there on holiday. Was ok.

based keanu