Oh mighty MrBearWolf, slayer of shAMBlets and defeater of cucksettis, I summon you

Oh mighty MrBearWolf, slayer of shAMBlets and defeater of cucksettis, I summon you.

Please tell me, now that I've sold all of my AMB (better late than never I guess), what I should buy next to rehabilitate myself from the shame of being a shAMBlet for far too long.

Attached: 1527475993037.jpg (500x500, 76K)

Attached: amb $40 eoy.png (738x100, 96K)

Delete this.

Worthless shAMBlet


What's wrong with you? Your sole purpose of life is to create a cult following?

No one gives a fuck about AMB.

The only one to call me son is the mighty BearWolf himself.
Stop shitting up my thread you shAMBlet

Alright micropenis bring it on

Bring on what?

>MFW a retarded AMBlet tries to protect cucksetti in my thread

Greentext harder, let's go

Not going for your bait shAMBlet.
Get out of my thread, I am awaiting master BearWolf

You already have, now what?
Paranoid of amblets? No one gives a fuck about AMB.

You and I do.

Not bearwolf, but I was the other guy who exposed cucksetti with him. I'd stay out of crypto for a while to be honest. Buy Canadian cannabis stock before it peaks.

Where do you see BTC going in the next few months?
Didn't cannabis stocks already peak some time ago?

Legal use just hit, it's going to peak so much higher, as for btc, I see it stagnant around 5-6k for a while

*Recreational use

>mfw I sold all my weed stocks for crypto at the exact wrong time

Attached: tenor.gif (220x219, 38K)

Sounds intetesting, I'll give it a look. Any recommendation where I can find some more information and do some research about weed stocks?

exposed him how? fuck im nervous holding a sigma node

sell then pussy

Attached: 1527968380157.jpg (399x400, 20K)

Why does biz hate AMB? This means I should buy amb?