Help me complete my map of European folk musics, Jow Forums and whiteness will come to you

Help me complete my map of European folk musics, Jow Forums and whiteness will come to you.

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>Bulgarian music
>some Slovenian dipshit calls my music greco-arabic
I will find you. I will skin you, i will salt your wounds, i will shit on them and i will sew the skin back. Fucking subhuman. I will cut off your balls and as you scream in agony i will piss in your open mouth.

that doesn't change the truth of your national music having old and interwoven Byzantine-Ottoman-Syrian roots, Risto.

I don't know what you call this

But we've got a lot of collected and documented folk songs which middle school teachers say are something very unique and special (even though lithuania and estonia seem to have the same thing)

I guess it sounds more Scandinavian than anything

Well I think Baltics might need our own category, as with lots of things. We always frustrate people who want to make simple 2-3 color maps of Europe lol.

>doesn't know shit about Bulgarian music
Hey scumbag. Where do you live? Got an address? I'll come and beat the shit out of your subhuman scull.

I'd say ours is more like polka.

You are greco-arabic too :)

many ppl know this, it sounds quite Greek, but then there's also the famous 7/4 beat underlying it which is maybe from Ottoman military music? idk

spanish flamenco is an andalusian thing, there are other folk music in other regions, but they are all "dead", unlike flamenco.

you're retarded

In a folk-musical sense, we are thoroughly Germanic, though many of us also like Balkan music. I like Bosnian traditional sevdah music myself, it's an interesting mixture of Jewish, Arabic and a touch of Hungarian.

Mashallah my fellow black brothers :)

>nooo we are germaniiiiiiiiic

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Why aren't you posting your address subhuman? Are you a subhuman mudslime yourself? Or maybe a Russian cockroach? No one else would dare spew such garbage.

Seems like you based it on Jow Forums memes rather than folk music

...if you would call polka and waltz Germanic. The waltz was invented in 18th century Vienna, so it indeed is, but polka is a traditional Czech style, so it is a bit Slavic as well.

love me some flamenco, it is unusually violent-sounding for European folk music

there is a kernel of truth in my outrages claim, namely that the kolo, or ring-dance, is performed everywhere between Syria and Croatia (and indeed Bela Krajina in Slovenia which was settled by medieval Serbian refugees).

flamenco needs to be passionate, gypsies wouldn't like it otherwise
Anything from paco de lucía sounds good anyway

>nobody is acknowledging my play on words
that's gonna be a yoik from me pal

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Wut? Galician folk music is pretty popular and Origueira Festival is huge

that's a really obscure piece of information, even for Jow Forums's standards. Also, are the Saami by any chance white Native American?


>Galician feira
>German Feuertag

whoah, das Suebic

*by Jow Forums's standards, reee

Bagpipes aren’t suebic

they're not exclusively Celtic either because bagpipe music exists in the Balkans too, and in extreme SW Slovenia they used to play the bagpipes traditionally due to cultural exchange with Balkanic pastoralists. Tho I've been told 'our' bagpipes have a inferior tonal range to their western counterpart. Anyway:
Based /branle/

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Flamenco is a southern thing, in the ebro valley our traditional music are the "Jotas"
Still like flamenco a lot tho

you can definitely see the similarity with Italian folk music and related music (such as Dalmatian folk music from Croatia), hence the designation 'the Med complex' to highlight certain unifying musical and cultural traits across the med

>In a folk-musical sense, we are thoroughly Germanic

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No, they're white Native Arctic. Possibly distantly related to the Inuits, I dunno.
Here's an example of yoiking mixed with modern instrumentation:

Dude, cut it out. It's not that serious.

idk man, compare this to your own folk music, it's a whole different tradition imo

>Italian folk music and related music
Could you post an example

I know, just baiting for yous to be honest.

Btw how come you have barely any results on youtube for "slovenian folk music" or slovenska folklora?
pop-folk though

here's recording of a representative popular Dalmatian folk-pop singer

even tho I know nothing about music I can still immediately discern that saccharine Med pathos in the chorus

folklora is used to refer to folklore as in folk tales

the term you're looking for is 'slovenska narodnozabavna glasba' or popularly 'goveja muzka'

one listen to Ievan polka was enough for me to determine that Finnish folk music is #1

lmao what is this shit, true Greek music sounds like this

Byzantine chanting and praying is of course old but nothing someone listens to everyday

Some look finnish, some germanic and some look like eskimos. I guess the latter is their true form. IIRC, there are only 80k sami in all of Sweden and no doubt they've gotten BLEACHED over time. My first reaction is to say they have closer to a finnish look more so than looking like proper aryan chads such as myself. Higher cheekbones and such. It's a bit like jews and finns in that in some individuals, stereotypical features can shine through very hard but they can also look generically germanic.
The cultural marxist Maxida Märak () along with a colombian guy ("assimilated into becoming sami lol") who combined joik + sob story on a talent show are now the cultural figureheads associated with the Sami people in Sweden.

What's nordic fiddle? Hardangerfiddle or a keyed fiddle?
Hardingfela is norwegian and is like a regular fiddle but usually more ornately decorated and has 4-5 sympathetic strings. Swedish keyed fiddles, "nyckelharpa", have 12, tuned along the whole scale. Nyckelharpa is an almost entirely swedish thing, having evolved here over the last few centuries after having died out on the continent. The place of origin of proto-nyckelharpas is debated but I've heard it may be 14th-15th century Germany.
I began playing nyckelharpa casually last year and it's enjoyable.

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Sweden employs regular fiddles/violins a great deal aswell as the odd nyckelharpa and accordion although I think accordions may be more recent (

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I took the little Norwegian fiddle music I'm familiar with to be representative of Scandinavian music, which I'm not well acquainted with. I also made up the 'North Sea musical complex' because I hear similarities in Norwegian and Irish fiddle music and given their history together, it might well be all true!

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Cute language. Cute bitches. I'd grace the leftmost two with superior swedish seed.

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what is seefd?

Repetitive rhythm