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why isnt new york the capital of us

cause your boipuss is worn out from overuse

And how is that a bad thing?

the emus didn't allow it.

Why isn't Toronto capital of Canada
Why isn't Rio de Janeiro capital of Brazil
Why isn't Istanbul capital of Turkey

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Because it's not as good as Melbourne but assblasted Sydneysiders wouldn't let them become the capital instead.

Why isnt Brasilia the capital of Uruguay?

why dont I have a gf???

Why isn't Montreal the capital of Canada? The rest is irrelevant.

Toronto isn’t the capital of Canada because we made a compromise with the Quebecois to have the capital on the linguistic/cultural border

Also Toronto is too close to the Americans and we were worried about being invaded

toronto wasn't canada's biggest city until 100 years after confederation

Lmao idiot Montreal became irrelevant when you frogs chimped out and started bombing campaigns. scared all the business into moving to Toronto

Why isnt constantinople the capital of greece?

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Would’ve been eventually handed over to them if they hadn’t been blown the fuck out by a numerically and materially inferior force in the Turkish war of independence

Too nice there.
The capital is a bad place full of politicians. That's why we put ours in an actual swamp.

Change my mind: Philadelphia should've been the capital It was already established and not far at all from the Mason-Dixon

Coastal capitals are easy target

should've been baltimore. maryland is a transitional state between the north and south and represents the mid atlantic

That's true today, but it was historically a southern city. Philly was already the biggest city, defensible, like DC is, and about equidistant from between Virginia and New York.

Why isn't New York the capital of the U.S.?

It was briefly

It isn't?