Adding up my coinbase buys

holy fucking shit.

i cant believe it.
I've spent over $9000 on crypto...
i havent cashed out a cent.

my current portfolio is work $3.4k
I;m going to fucking kill myself.
i cant believe this shit.
i didnt know it was this bad. I am sick to my stomach.

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Nice blog

Heard the returns on the S&W retirement plan are great for people like you. Try it

Yeah I've spent like $2500 and my portfolio is worth fuckall. That's just the way it is senpai

I'm down around 50% I think. All this time, money and energy just wasted...I am numb...I am darkness

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You are acting surprised? Seriously? My dad and I have told you this! His friend who is an actual stock broker wjth a company spoke to you about this crypto crap a long time ago. They have people post on blogs and hype up to inflate price then they get out. A lot of it is scams and you believe shit you read on reddit and Jow Forums! You think intelligent wall street people are going to post their insider information on a site where the category above it is masturbation beasitiloty hentai tranny shit? Come to some common sense you fool! Or reddit! You know everyone and their mother uses that shit. It's pathetic. You think the richest investors of our time will be the trolls on 4 Chan hacking off to tranny fury porn? Or the same reddit users who post how to trim a mustache? Buy the hyped up stock by anonymous poster claiming to be in the loop? Fuck man. I jut hope you get your money back and get some common sense
You believe shit on a site of trolls
It's sad

You're probably also the type of person that has no idea what they're making vs spending each month. You're never gonna make it.

>started with 1k
>went to 22k
>didnt cash out
>spent a total of $7k
>now work 3.5k


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Don't put in more than you're willing to lose

Too late, dumbass

YA fuck off asshole

double down

>decide to put in 80% of my savings
>What's the worst that could happen? It's not going to zero any time soon haha

Pussy. I put $100k in this and its worth $75k right now. It was worth $620k at the peak.

Been waking up with dark wojak level depression everyday. I completely am detached from the world and my room looks like a cyclone hit it. Im fucking next level

Ill tell u this fucker - the day the whale came on here to speak of nulls at 17 cents... then ir exploded to 1 $ before eventuallt reachin over 5 $. Shit did hapen. Excuse typing im taking a poop and typing while keeping penos from hittign side of bowl

how could you not know that?

He already did. At this point his only winning option is to triple down.

>only down 25%

check out this casual

Similar. Put in 60k (40k of it was a low-interest loan I can afford to pay back with salary), 230k ATH, now 36k.

Still have slush money every month after loan payment because I am a complete hikki outside of work and eat rice and potatoes and never indulge. I throw that into the crypto cauldron too. Gonna DCA this bitch all the way to zero. Maxing out my 401k already anyways so I've still got better retirement prospects than 90% of normies no matter what happens.

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>It takes momey to make money kiddo, hehe
>I wouldn’t throw good after bad hehehe

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I'm so fucking glad I got into the crypto game after the December crash, to think if I invested just a couple of months earlier I would have lost mostly everything. I mean I'm still down 35% but it could have been sooo much worse


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whats your 401k in? stocks? prepared to get JUSTED. bonds? too late to make returns. cash? enjoy your inflation. you got boomerconnneccccc'd

Just diversifying like a good goy. Thinking of getting some metals and guns too even though I don't like either. That way I'm sure something I'm holding will still be worth more than fuck-all in 10 years from now.

i spend $1300 cahs on crypto
another $2500 for a mining rig
80 a month for the past 6 months for electricity

my cryptos value is now at $935

Thanks for the money fren

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I figure enough of us are so far down on this shit, that we've made it worthwhile for at least a few people out there, and maybe our collective energy (losses) will be what fuels the golden bull run

especially since 95% of us will sell at a loss just in time before the iron hands become the new whales

>tfw willing to lose it all

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Now do the math of how much you would be worth if you just held btc vs the price it was when you bought it.

I've been buying since 2k. If I had just held I would be muchhhhhhh further ahead.

Same here buddy.

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I just put my entire life savings($10 000) into LINK and HOT. Best case I'm a multimillionaire and never work another day in my life. Worst I join the marines and earn it back.

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I've put $2200 in and have $600 left. It sucks but I guess it's not too bad compared to some people.


Just hold friend, you bought a store of value so in the long run it only goes up.