Why white and black are so giant?

Why white and black are so giant?

I feel autists when I met white people.

Because they are incredibly huge.

Attached: 1534206390584.jpg (1024x962, 67K)

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how tall are you?


Attached: 1531577297748s.jpg (249x182, 6K)

i bet you're cute

its oke kid
/pats head
wheres your mom? you got lost?

Black people aren't tall, only in America

I mean. You're not wrong.

gtfo japan, loser gaijin

Attached: kenou.jpg (485x419, 128K)

I'm not kid at all!!

Attached: 1534206580527.jpg (500x364, 17K)

kys asap

Attached: kys.jpg (225x225, 9K)