
What are my femanon sisters doing this weekend?
i'm going shopping with my bff tomorrow!
teeheehe also silly boys are not welcomed!

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Going to play some video games, hang myself and study after.

>tfw my pussy stinks

What do lasses

what vidya do you play, sister?
get a shower

Eso now manly.
Do you play anything, sister?

Vidya, anime, shitposting

>role like a femanon
>role like an user would need a gf

decision, decision

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i'm not a really fan of vidya but i usually play The Sims 4 when i'm bored, i'm an outdoor girl myself.

Ah, wished I had a friend like you to go shopping with. I really only have one friend irl. which isn't that rich and doesn't like going outside. I cant relate to normie girls, Wished I would go to gym with them, or coffee shop or just shopping.

can I smell it?