It's not Holland. It's the Netherlands!

>It's not Holland. It's the Netherlands!

Attached: download.png (205x246, 6K)

I use both whenever it fits me, and I don't live anywhere near the Holland region. Only Dutch teenagers in the Youtube comment section give a shit about it.

Based Englishmen making the best quality posts today

>It's not England. It's the United Kingdom!

Attached: 3838946.gif (413x243, 60K)

Kek, well played Emre

there's a huge difference you fat fucking cockroach

The UK comprises of 4 countries, Britain comprises of 3, and England obviously comprises of one.

England has it's own history and you can say existed back in the Bronze Age, whereas Britain has only existed since 1701 thanks to the acts of union and Scotland's failed Darien expedition.
They thought they could great a Scottish empire but failed so they literally begged to be from this "UK" shite and now they want to leave the very shit they begged to be a part of 300 years ago - how's that for gratitude?

England are superior to "UK" baboons.

i always called it Neverland

>ummmmm did you just say "queen of england" actktually there is no queen of england, her REAL title is Elizabeth II, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of her other realms and territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith

>not calling it Hoeland

I wonder how they feel about languages where the official name for the Netherlands literally is Holland