Great work/life balance

>great work/life balance

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cool story bro

>negotiable salary

>work/life balance


>room for advancement

>upward mobility


>wash your dick and donate to my patreon

>career goals

>we are looking for a team player

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>self-starter and highly-motivated

>Salary: Competitive

> there's a lot of opportunity here

Almost been a year and still stuck there. Supervisor is really annoying and takes advantage of my hard work ethic. Work has been piling up almost as if I'm ready to just walk out.

>This is an Entry Level position!
>Min. Requirements: 2-3 years of experience

Salary: Paygrade [insert some meangingless code that has no scale available]


I think that's common. If you've been there long enough start looking for a step up friend

The best work/life balance is busting your ass for a few years and later enjoy a lifetime of freedom with minimal money management.

Who /fastlane/ here?


200k @ 25; when I reach the million (hopefully before 30) I will buy land and rent out my current apartment to cover expenses

Act like a dog and get treated like one.

I wouldn't buy land anywhere in the West but hey I hope that works out for you.

im OMW bro.

19, 130k so far, 50k in crypto. A million isn't gonna cut it anymore so aiming for at least 10 mil.
Its gonna feel gud men. We're all gonna make it

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I just want to "retire" somewhere peaceful with an internet connection and room to grow vegetables; I don't imagine I need more than 300k to make that happen (planning to build everything myself) - any depreciation in land value I can survive

And then roaming gangs of Somalis siege your farm and kill all your family.

I treat my dog pretty good tbqh..