Why do russian girls do this?
Why do russian girls do this?
Leo Evans
Caleb Gray
She looks like a white version of that kazakh girl Aya.
Cameron Harris
Because they are mentally ill.
If you make a child with a Russian woman you should be casteated. Even if you're a Russian yourself. You're committing an irreversible sin to your child.
Joshua Jones
Would Russian girls like a chicano
Jeremiah Martin
We don't have white people here. Only puffy cheeks small eyes round head mongoloids.
Levi Powell
They don't differentiate. They like shitskins in general.
Cameron Bell
I though that this was going to be the webm where a girl eats a mouse alive. I'm so glad it's something else
Austin Ward
My sister always does that to our hamster.
Angel Perry
Landon Sullivan
>girls would sooner suck a rat's dick over mine