Who's the best out of the 4?

Who's the best out of the 4?
The worst?

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Its funny how Blair gets all that shit for just allying with the uk's best ally, while ignoring his entire work
The three others would have done the same and then worse
t.just an observation fron an outsider

Blair gets shit for opening the floodgates to third world mass immigration

Fuck Blair forever. Who gives a fuck which way you rank the others when you have Birtains worst PM in all history in there. Fuck that Labour animal wankstain.

I thought that was Brussels

Brussels is just the scapegoat.
None of them made any actual effort to decrease immigration, or even stop it from going up.

Cameron was the least hated, wasn't he?

Based and bluepilled

Cringe and redpilled

Based and redpilled

cringe and bluepilled


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George Bush jr told me Tony Blair had a real right ass and that his mouth game was unrivaled.

For the UK, it was literally Blair. Brussels being retarded on third worlders is a more recent development.

Cammers & Are' Tone were the best.

Brown was a half blind autist. May is... well she tries..

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blair innit started a war and that

Jeremy Cornyn

Any c*nservative

This post brought to you by Labour gang

Blair had skill, but was ultimately bad (Labour at its most dangerous and effective).
Brown wasn't in that long, so he seems relatively neutral.
Cameron got things done. Libya was perhaps his worst failing, but not as involved as Iraq.
May remains to be seen. She's lacking in some ways, but balanced for the most part.

Brown doesn't seem that hated. I'd say Cameron was very pragmatic, so people don't mind as much.

This but unironically. Tories and Blairites can share a cot in the gulags.

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im partial to mrs may tbf

Thy're all so bad or insignificant it makes Atlee look good.

*non-verbally asserts a millennia of genetic, cultural, social, and economic domination*

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>Tories and Blairites can share a cot in the gulags.

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Do you in earnest disagree? Jacinda is a far better PM than the gang of four in OP's pic.

>Conservative PM
>Allows fag marriage

Can someone explain me how on Earth did this happen again?

Blair decided to open the UK to East European immigration immediately after they joined the EU in 2004, much earlier than anyone else.
All other EU countries followed the practice of waiting 4 years until opening borders but Blair decided to do so immediately which flooded them with tons of Poles, Balts etc.
And that migration issue actually became one of the prime motivations for Brexit.