Why did Americans choose total pussy for president?

Why did Americans choose total pussy for president?

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you mean republicans. they chose him because of his celebrity status, hate for obama, striving to appear wealthy amongst peers and a fuck you i got mine mentality.

So how are poltards and pedes spooning this? Because from Canada it looks like a donkey buttfucking a withered orange.

>m-muh 8D chess

what was he supposed to do? not a trump supporter but wouldnt it just be worse if he prolonged it longer and/or did some executive order or national emergency shit for the wall

he could compromise and give a better deal for democrats, the wall itself is nothing to them, they just want some of their own policies, since trump won't budge they don't have to give him the wall

not put himself in such an embarrassing position to begin with? he tried to bluff his way into getting his shit but he got called on it. now he just looks limp wristed.

The wall story was meant to be a part of their hegelian tactics from the start. It was never meant to be build. I understood that in 2016. If you didn't, there's something seriously wrong with your brain.

Scrap the wall. Which he did.

idk maybe don't think of the first big number you come up with and then ask for that much money for a wall that won't work lmao

The wall is everything to them. The dems want to flood the country with so many future voters and parents of future voters for a reason user. They literally forced a shutdown of the government because they are unwilling to give up their plot to entirely undercut democracy

future voters and cheap labor, a dream for the 1%

I am not one to defend Trump(liberal here) but he did win by losing the shutdown since he made it look like he cares more about America than Democrats
This is REALLY bad for 2020

what do people on Jow Forums think of nancy pelosi?

imagine being this paranoid and white

Hate that hoe and other establishment democraps

nope, democrats will just say we saved the taxpayers money to build the wall because trump said mexico would pay for it. get the cheque from mexico if you want mexico to pay for it. based democrats saving americans money.

imagine being this much of a 1% bootlicker and brown

republicans hate her
dems ages 18-35 hate her
dems 35-75 love her like she's the fucking cure for cancer

She BTFO of Trump. Other than that not much. I heard she's a wealthy and hilariously out of touch person. Who isn't in ameikkkon politics though?

not act like limp wristed retard
but he's correct

Obama-obezyana was lame but i think even he did better than Drumpf. Complete disgrace.

quick rundown pls

do you kiss your mother with that mouth

Americans love a dick measurement contest tho. Since trump lost the tug of war he loses credibility and popularity in their povs.

>his celebrity status
This is why conservaturds are a joke
They always bitch and moan about liberal Hollywood, but are obsessed when celebrities come out as conservative. These shit-kickers elected a yankee millionaire, who is a product of Hollywood.

She has terrible policy positions, but she's based because she stood up to Trump and literally made him her bitch. Drumpf is terrified of her.

Nothing I've posted is even paranoia. South Americans and their children vote dems in america. The dems have long known this and now they seek to destroy traditional Republican power bases like Texas through immigration.

i'm not gonna go on a tangent here because this board is already Jow Forums enough for me to fuck off but if whiteys didn't want us to move in and prosper here then maybe they shouldn't have destabilized our entire continent ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Its 4D interdimensional backgammon lol you'll see
Just another pawn on the board..

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I think she looks very old and I don't understand why they would keep using her in the frontline at that age

Don't forget the time they elected a B-list actor with a cowboy fetish as president, or a weight lifter and actor as governor of California.

Democrats have openly stated their gials in the South are demographic replacement. If you cant find that easily searched info then I'm sorry but your social science degree is even more useless because you are a fucktard lol.
Get my fries

Thats the game all countries are playing against each other you dingus. Your countries have such shite body politics they can't withstand it. Not the U.S.A'S fault South America can't manage stable democracies and always threaten to fly off in radicalism of some kind or another

>implying Latin America was ever stable and prosperous

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That's why they stopped the Dreamers act, right?
Democrats want border security too, just not a $6 billion dick sucking project that doesn't change anything from the current fence in place

are you kidding? a good 35% of latinos/hispanics vote republican and this number keeps rising.

A lot of them are quite conservative/catholic. Abortion is the big thing for them. They literally don't give a fuck about anything else besides that much like their white counterparts. Then there's the ever-growing resentment of latinos who made it here legally/have money against those who didn't. Classicism, not racism, is a bigger discussion among a lot of us.

Democrats love old people, they are significantly older than republicans on average and the Dem leadership is ancient.

those exit polls were wrong on latinos (and asians)

The dems can afford to stop and ignore all current and future acts because, and get this very straight in your head, THE BORDER IS ALREADY WIDE FUCKING OPEN, THERE ARE ALREADY MILLIONS OF POTENTIAL DEM VOTERS JUST WAITING FOR AN ILLEGALS AMNESTY AND WITH BORDER SECURITY AS PARLOUS AS IT ALREADY IS MILLIONS MORE ARE ON THE WAY! But good on you for buying the whole "dems support border securty just not this meany weany wall line"

Thats not what the dems are counting on. You seen this new Latino chick they keep trying to push in the media? She's aimed right at you

They are laughing at you.

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>Your countries have such shite body politics they can't withstand it
>pretending that oil/natural resources/labor isn't the real reason most western nations intervene when we don't cozy up to y'all

i love how most of Jow Forums preaches on the white plight and isolationism but steadily defend political intervention in underdeveloped nations under the premise that they can't stand our body politics. I'd respect you more and would even agree to some extent if you just kept true to what you say.

im just rooting for the downfall of america desu

anyone here want to know what a cult looks like? Read this shit, I'm fucking dying here.

>You seen this new Latino chick they keep trying to push in the media? She's aimed right at you

Not at all though. That narrative is solely for the sake of diversity. Believe me; young white people have a bigger boner for multiculturalism and dem-socialism more than we do. I feel most of Jow Forums and Jow Forums fails to understand this.

No matter what happens here our quality of life will never get as bad as Bulgaria.

no. ive lived in both countries and much prefer bulgaria. but im not going to argue about it with an underage kid going through his Jow Forumsphase who doesnt own a passport

No no no you got it all wrong paco. The Russians have supposedly treid to intervene in the American elections but America's politics has withstood this and not fallen into anarchy/ a coup/ a revolution/ etc etc becasue America has a strong body politic. All countries are trying to interfere with all the others elections every single goddamn time but it's only shit tier African/South American nations who get utterly btfo by this because you have shit political systems, shit politicians, and shit populations. There's literally no other way for such tactics to work.They entirely rely on the country being a political basket case in the first place.

Maybe now you understand this one: Or do you? I'm not betting on it though, that's for sure. Kek and fuck this shit and fuck you, stupid monkeys.

I'm Venezuelan and I'm going to tell you right now that most of my peers and I don't like AOC precisely because she's a socialist.

Dude shut the fuck up. You don't speak for all latinos. I'm tired of having to hear self loathing cucks like you going around claiming to represent the """"real"""" opinions of latinos in north america to dick ride a few racist white virgins. Especially when I have to hear about it even up here. I'm guessing this is how poos feel about Dinesh in drumpftopia too.

Its only a 3 week bill. Dems are supposed to negotiate border security funding.

go back and read what i said and come back when you don't go full retard on yourself


my guys i don't like the guy either but please abstain from using john oliver-tier terms

I did, then I read thisVenezuelans can have their own opinions but this is just as cringe to me as when gusANOs from Southern Florida try to act as the monolithic voice of their imagined "silent majority" of latinos.

Old bag that's usually weak. I dont know why the democrats havent replaced her. Shes more diplomatic than most but that's it.

The real question is why did they chose a literal foreign agent (in addition to being grossly unfit)?

Show me evidence, not speculation and conjunctions
FYI unsourced quotes do not count

She's actually the oldest speaker of the house ever. I dont know why the dems didnt go for someone else either.

I've been to Brazil, Puerto Rico, and South Africa. I doubt your irrelevant shithole could match the beauty of these cities.

>his celebrity status
maybe they were hoping for Reagan 2.0

Bro your entire political body is a mausoleum barring AOC.

>Don't forget the time they elected a B-list actor with a cowboy fetish as president

He actually had a top tier cabinet and staff though that crafted a lot of the policies. At the end he was basically a talking head. Idiotic reganomics was his idea though.


Lmao you got it right

>Thats not what the dems are counting on. You seen this new Latino chick they keep trying to push in the media? She's aimed right at you
She's an idiot with shit ideas and makes up facts similar to Trump. She'll blow up in their face if they keep pushing her.

>Trump: I will shut down the government
>"Dems shut down the government!"

oh my God this

Token Miami paisanos who pretend they're the hungry and the oppressed because they took all of their money and possessions and moved into a 4br townhouse in Dade County are the worst.

They they share Marco Rubio tweets on Facebook and body paint the Venezuelan flag on themselves like fucking idiots.

>barring AOC
There are a lot. A 1/3 of the house are 35 or younger. The media just keep posting that idiot's picture and stupidity all over.

the left is losing the arguments, the lgbtp, feminist and blm movements are losing influence, their hope is new voters being flooded into the country or else Dems will lose 2020

Democrats aren't even leftist. But here, I'll play devil's advocate. How did they lose? There's no wall and gays can still get married.

>Trump: Should I try to push my retarded wall while Reps control everything? Nahhh, it can wait
>Dems take the House
>Must build the wall right now!
Obviously it wouldn't have passed with the Reps either, but now retards believe that Dems are responsible

What exit polls

>gays can still get married
it's not about that
the lgbtp movement is not making every lgbtp vote blue
as the blm is not making every black vote blue
and as the feminist movement is not making every woman vote blue

By your logic republicans are even more fucked because whites have never voted monolithically for them. I doubt you will acknowledge that though.

By they literally haven't
If whites were a monolith it would be 100% republican

Drumpf is finished

Trump could whip out his wrinkled dick, put it in the mouth of his voters, piss in it, say how it's his dick and his piss and how it was his idea to take his dick out and piss and those very same voters would think either "dems are to blame for this" or more likely in here, "I'm so owning libtards right now"

Work on your reading comprehension. You are agreeing with me.

>Why did Americans choose total pussy for president?
They didn't. As far as i know he didn't get the votes and their fucked up election system had the republican electoral college give him the win. Not sure if i got it right, i'm sure that some amerifat will correct me if i got something wrong.

there's not a movement supported by the media to make whites vote red
as there are to voting blue

I agree with you on that statement, do you agree that not all minorities are hiveminds?

>there's not a movement supported by the media to make whites vote red
Fox News is not a media outlet? Since when?

Leave Arnie out of it he's based

No shit, but this guy doesn't. Apparently everyone who disagrees with him is brainwashed by the media.

That's part of it. Another part: the Democrats nominated one of the most hated, feared women of all time.

these 3 movements might be actually giving voters to the republicans, instead of just making them not vote, by making some minorities realize that they are being used by the democrats just as numbers (they talking in the past about creating a barrier to protect the citizens and now attacking the Wall saying it's racist and things like that)
what's the movement that Fox News support that calls for whites to vote red?

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Blompf is done
Put a fork in him

when did i talk about media brainwashing someone?

It's called MAGA. Are you an alien or something? I live on the other side of the world and know more than you the person that is 500km away.
You could've voted Bernie.

Hillary would've been a better president if only because the Democratic party might have retained some semblance of moderacy if Trump hadn't won.

>MAGA is about white people voting for the republicans
MAGA is about every american voting republican

He got the votes that matter, whether you want a full democracy or not the rules to win the election are clear. But also only like 58% of eligible voters voted

>what's the movement that Fox News support that calls for whites to vote red?
MAGA, alt right etc

She has giant boobs but I can't find good pics of a young Nancy Pelosi.


>but I can't find good pics of a young Nancy Pelosi.
I'm pretty sure the hacker known as Jow Forums is gonna eventually find them, so be patient my little grasshopper

MAGA is about americans (not counting illegals) to vote red
alt-right is the only one, but it is not supported by any big media corporation
my point is that leftists are desperate to get voters and this wall thing might be mostly because the lgbtp, feminist and blm movements are making people turn away from the Dems, so they need different voters into the country

She probably had some godawful 60s beehive haircut in her 20s like so.

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>leftists are desperate to get voters
You do know what politics is all about?