Libya was a functioning country. It was a dictatorship, but every single Arab country is...

Libya was a functioning country. It was a dictatorship, but every single Arab country is. Libya was one of the best functioning Arab countries. French invasion destroyed that country and changed it into hell-hole. Now we have there fighting warlords, slave trade markets and abuse of every human right. There were no third world illegal migrants coming to Europe through Libya until French wasted that country. So, all migrants coming from Libya are French responsibility. Prove me wrong

Attached: francafri.png (703x499, 431K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Prove me wrong
Literally can't be done.

all white people are at fault for the destruction of libya all of you should be punished by taking arabs

You are just starting to realize how deep the rabbit hole goes.

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the french have really no shame

>tfw france loses her empire and makes sure to ruin all of her former colonies on the way down
>tfw we get dragged into vietnam because of france


Attached: Berlusconi Gaddafi kiss.jpg (424x273, 18K)


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BHL is Algerian.

>that cherrypicking
and nothing of value was lost

The first thing the french did was bomb their man-made river project which took libyans 20 years to build. Not even a military target

NATO deliberately destroyed libyas water infrastructure.

>Germany went with NATO to Afghanistan but didn't participate against Libya, Iraq or Syria
feels good man
but we still got the migrants...

In the western world there's the idea that democracy is the only way while in some places having a dictator is better than having a democracy

blama france

Attached: francelib.png (688x833, 153K)

>Libya was a functioning country
It functioned itself right into civil war

Nonsense, an EU country would never do evil. I'm sure if things were worse, then the great investigative journalists from the New York Times and the BBC would have said so. They may even have been critical of the US government of the time. But since France and Saint Obama said he bombed them to free them from tyranny and oppression, then that's what happened. Libya is now a democracy where everyone is happy and enjoy human rights such as freedom of movement that racists call immigration. End of discussion.

You voted to get out yourself, nobody forced you out, no need to be bitter about it.

We freed indigenous Nafousis and Toubous from the Arab colonists, and we shall do so for every Islamic shitholes. Next is Algeria who persecute Kabyles and Egypt who persecutes True Egyptians(Copts).

Attached: 120831094351-berber-5-horizontal-gallery.jpg (640x360, 42K)

t. refugee posting from government-provided phone in Rome

That's not even unique to France, every first world power

>cold war
>enemy camp figures get wacked

??? Thats just common sense.

>all migrants coming from Libya are French responsibility.
Haven't seen a single one of those desu

Lynch the french.

>We freed indigenous Nafousis and Toubous from the Arab colonists, and we shall do so for every Islamic shitholes. Next is Algeria who persecute Kaby

Attached: human-rights-watch-deux.jpg (498x208, 30K)

Why are whites so evil? the only good whites are Germans because they want to kill other whites


Qaddafi was an AIDS-ridden shit dictator who kept trying to do tacky shit everytime he failed to do other tacky shit. He was the one who brought radical muslims to Libya and also was a fucking communist.
The fact that Jow Forums believes he was good just shows how fucking braindead they are.
>B-B-But Libya was rich when he was in n' shiet
Libya during the monarchy already found a ton of oil and was preparing to get more rich but Qaddafi stepped in. If he really was good then the population wouldn't have revolted against him.