Well, do they?

Well, do they?

Attached: langfocus paul portuguese and russian.jpg (1280x720, 145K)

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Only when they speak English

if you're a supreme languagelet (read: anglo), then yes, it probably does

we do :)

ouais bien sur

It does, I've heard European Portuguese from a distance before and thought it was a Slavic language.

*does it

foreign cunt

The lack of nasal vowels in Russian and the lack of palatalized consonants in Portuguese are MORE than enough reason to completely dispel this retarded turbonormie angloid gimmick.

At least Polish has nasal vowels, Russian doesn't even have that. There's no way any non-retard could ever confuse Russian and Portuguese.

Who cares? The only language that matters is English. I can't wait until English is the single universal language and all other languages are forgotten.


Tell me that doesn't sound like Russian.