How can be japan males so fucking ugly and japan girls waifu tier?The difference is large

how can be japan males so fucking ugly and japan girls waifu tier?The difference is large

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You're a man. I could say the same about all countries, except China, they're all ugly insects.

Do you love Japan?

Don't touch our qt.
hands off from our qt.
Our qt is world most precious innocent girls.
so cute.
so hamble.
so hot.

I hate foreiners try to steel out qt.

I prefer China over Japan.

Yes I do

Neck yourself you cancerous faggot

She's like 1 in 100,000 in terms of attractiveness, and she's also a lesbian. Most Jap girls are butt ugly just like the majority of girls in any country are.

Asian gilrs are disgusting

Yes, who dont love Japan?

I think its a preference case. I'm attracted by japan girls cause i hate brazilian womans, they want money only.

because you cherry picked the females and not the males

3rd world monkey has different taste.
Dont mind

Pic unrelated, right?

spot on this smart American

>she's also a lesbian
my penis just got 10x harder

why do you say we are ugly?

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cuz hes not gay

I'm lying? Beauty isnt everything

Not all of them are cute, I'd say it's 50-50. Some of them are plain hideous (like those two sisters I saw on the den-en-toshi line a few days ago) while others are extremely cute.

I disagree that Japanese men are ugly. Have you seen THAT picture of Hiro, the admin of Jow Forums, or any picture of Hiro?

Only ever seen one and it was pretty ugly

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Jomon man is clearly coolest in the east Asia and people who can only obtain real white wife which is not weaboo or gookboo.
that’s why every kpop people do plastic surgery tobe look like Jomon.
What are you talking about?

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I can't post THAT picture of Hiro, but he's beautiful. I'm sure most Japanese men are too.

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>coolest in east Asia
arr rook same

But Hiro is jewpanese.

Do you think like those Jomon Ainu men are existed in South Korea without plastic surgery?
Ugaji Takeshi 190cm

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Hi's mother was activists of Ainu so super Ainu existence.

I don't know what that means or he differs from other Japanese men. You don't think Japanese men are beautiful?

>slanted eyes
>small dick
>beta mentality

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But sorry the words "you look like korean before plastic surgery "is word for ugly in east Asia.
So you look like korean before plastic surgery is blaming words already

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The reason Japanese men are ugly and beta is because all of the handsome Chad Japanese men died fighting in World War 2. The beta males who were unfit for combat were the only survivors.

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Japanese men are most beautiful face of man in east asia without plastic surgery.

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japeneses are the most beautiful of all asia

I agree! Plus they have really cool hobbies and culture like baseball, sushi/hibachi, and of course, anime.

He's gorgeous!

Why do Jap girls have such amazing thighs?

Why would you hate your own kind?

They rarely due

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